
单词 specter
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apparition〕A ghostly figure; a specter.幽灵;幻影美国传统〔lemures〕The spirits of the dead considered in ancient Rome as frightening specters and often exorcised from the homes in religious rituals.勒穆瑞斯:在古代罗马,死者的幽灵被认为是令人恐惧的鬼怪,而且常常要通过宗教仪式将它们从家中驱除出去美国传统〔loom ahead〕The specter of war loomed ahead.战争的幽灵逼近了。21世纪英汉〔spook〕Informal A ghost; a specter.【非正式用语】 鬼;幽灵美国传统〔sprite〕A specter or ghost.鬼怪,幽灵美国传统〔visitant〕A supernatural being; a ghost or specter.下凡的神仙:超自然力的灵魂;鬼魂或幽灵美国传统〔walk〕The specter of famine walks through the land.饥饿的幽灵在这片土地上游荡美国传统The specter of unemployment haunted the land. 失业的恐怖笼罩全国。译典通The specter of war loomed ahead. 战争的阴影逼近了。译典通

