
单词 墨守成规
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕He'd never dream of trying something like that - he's too much of a conformist. 他从没有想过尝试那样的事——他太墨守成规了。朗文写作活用〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕Your problem is that you are too conformist in your thinking. 你的问题在于你的思维方式太墨守成规了。朗文写作活用〔academic〕Formalistic or conventional.形式主义的,墨守成规美国传统〔be (stuck) in a groove〕We never do anything exciting any more - we seem to be stuck in a groove.我们做的事情再也让人感觉不到有意思了——我们似乎太墨守成规了。剑桥高阶〔book〕He always tried to do everything by the book.他总是墨守成规麦克米伦高阶〔conformity〕Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval.过于墨守成规通常都是由于担心得不到认可。柯林斯高阶〔conventionality〕The state, quality, or character of being conventional.因循守旧:墨守成规的状态、性质或特征美国传统〔groove〕They've gotten stuck in a groove in their jobs.他们在工作中墨守成规韦氏高阶〔hold ... back〕He's a hard man, nothing could hold him back to come to the club in time.他是一个古板墨守成规的家伙,什么也不会延误他准时到达俱乐部的。21世纪英汉〔nonconformist〕One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.不墨守成规者:不服从或拒绝被既定的信仰、风俗或规则约束的人美国传统〔nonconformity〕Refusal or failure to conform to accepted customs, beliefs, or practices.不墨守成规:拒绝或不遵从既定的风俗、信仰或规则美国传统〔ossify〕To mold into a rigidly conventional pattern.使僵化:使墨守成规美国传统〔predictable〕How very predictable you are sometimes.你有些时候太墨守成规了。麦克米伦高阶〔predictable〕I hate predictable men.我不喜欢那种墨守成规的人。英汉大词典〔predictable〕I'm getting too predictable.我越来越墨守成规了。牛津搭配〔recusant〕A dissenter; a nonconformist.持异议者;不墨守成规的人美国传统〔scholasticism〕Close adherence to the methods, traditions, and teachings of a sect or school.墨守成规:忠实某一宗派或派别的方法、传统和教诲美国传统〔scholastic〕A dogmatist; a pedant.墨守成规者;学究美国传统〔slavish〕He has been criticized for his slavish devotion/adherence to the rules.因为盲目地墨守成规,他一直饱受批评。韦氏高阶〔stick-in-the-mud〕He's just an old stick-in-the-mud.他就是个墨守成规的老家伙。韦氏高阶〔straight〕A conventional person, especially one considered a member of established society.墨守成规的人:传统的人,尤指被认为是一个创立组织中的成员美国传统〔track〕He never leaves the beaten track.他一向墨守成规英汉大词典〔unreconstructed〕If you describe systems, beliefs, policies, or people as unreconstructed, you are critical of them because they have not changed at all, in spite of new ideas and circumstances.一成不变的;墨守成规柯林斯高阶He does everything by rule. 他事事都墨守成规译典通The company is in a rut and it's up to us to get it out.这个公司已经墨守成规了,需要我们来改变它。剑桥国际They're just a boring bunch of conformists. Not one of them would step out of line.他们只是一帮令人厌烦的墨守成规者。他们中没人敢越雷池一步。剑桥国际

