
单词 回城
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LONG〕The ride back to the city seemed interminable. 回城的路好像没有尽头似的。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕They abandoned their attempt to recapture the castle.他们放弃了夺回城堡的努力。朗文当代〔catch〕If you go back to the city you're bound to get caught .如果你回城的话肯定会被抓住的。朗文当代〔drive back〕I'll drive her back to town.我会开车送她回城外研社新世纪〔hide〕The gangsters hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city.暴徒们在一个偏僻的小屋中藏了起来,直到能够安全回城美国传统

