
单词 在里面的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔box ... in〕The motor is boxed in.发动机是包装在里面的21世纪英汉〔break〕Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。牛津高阶〔cave in〕The wall caved in to reveal a blocked-up Victorian fireplace.墙坍塌了,露出砌在里面的维多利亚时代的壁炉。柯林斯高阶〔inside〕At a table inside, a man and woman were awaiting her.在里面的一张桌子旁,一男一女正等着她。柯林斯高阶〔interest〕The United States had an interest in giving military aid because it provided jobs for American workers.美国提供军事援助是有利害关系在里面的,因为它为美国工人提供了工作。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕Located inside; inner.在里面的;内部的美国传统〔iron maiden〕A medieval instrument of torture consisting of an iron frame in the form of a person in which the victim was enclosed and impaled on interior spikes.铁女架:中世纪一种刑具,由一人形铁架构成。受刑者被关在架子里并钉在里面的钉子上美国传统〔squeeze〕He squeezed my handbag carefully but didn't find my little gun.他仔细捏了捏我的手提袋,但没发现我放在里面的小手枪。21世纪英汉The walls of the cell were covered with the scrawls of the prisoners that had been held there over the years.牢房的墙上涂满了多年来关在里面的囚犯的乱涂乱画。剑桥国际There's an opening (= hole) high up in the wall -- you'll find a key hidden in it.墙上高处有个洞----你会找到一把藏在里面的钥匙。剑桥国际

