
单词 坐轮椅
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accessible〕All the buildings are accessible for people in wheelchairs.坐轮椅的人进入所有的大楼不成问题。牛津搭配〔access〕Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities.欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。牛津高阶〔bound〕She has been wheelchair-bound for several years.她已经坐轮椅好几年了。剑桥高阶〔confined〕He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.他打小就只能坐轮椅柯林斯高阶〔confine〕He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.他从小就只能坐轮椅外研社新世纪〔confine〕He was confined to a wheelchair.他无法行走,只得坐轮椅韦氏高阶〔confine〕She's been confined to a wheelchair since having a bad fall.她自从摔了一大跤后就只能一直坐轮椅了。牛津搭配〔crutch〕He's able to walk short distances with crutches but prefers his wheelchair.他拄着腋杖能走一小段路,可他宁愿坐轮椅韦氏高阶〔design to〕The pavements are designed to provide easy access for people in wheelchairs.这些人行道经专门设计使乘坐轮椅的人能方便地出入。21世纪英汉〔for〕Many new trains have space for wheelchairs.许多新型列车为坐轮椅人士留有空间。外研社新世纪〔ramp〕Ramps are needed at exits and entrances for wheelchair users.出入口处要有供坐轮椅者使用的坡道。朗文当代〔reel〕Men in wheelchairs reeled around the room, shouting and singing.坐轮椅的男子们大喊大唱,绕着房间回旋移动。英汉大词典〔step〕It's difficult for people in wheelchairs to negotiate (= move up and down) steps.坐轮椅的人上下楼梯很困难。剑桥高阶〔stroke〕The stroke left him in a wheelchair.因为中风,他不得不坐轮椅牛津搭配〔suitable〕This building is not really suitable for wheelchair users.这座大楼不太适合坐轮椅的人。牛津搭配〔wheelchair〕It's hard to get around if you're in a wheelchair.坐轮椅很难四处走动。牛津搭配It's difficult for people in wheelchairs to negotiate (= move up and down) steps.坐轮椅的人要上下台阶是很困难的。剑桥国际Paralysis of the lower limbs condemned him to a wheelchair. 下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅译典通

