
单词 在战争爆发前
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔antidote〕Sales of nerve gas antidotes increased dramatically before the war.在战争爆发前,神经毒气解毒剂销量激增。剑桥高阶〔break〕We got married a month before the war broke out.我们在战争爆发前一个月结婚。麦克米伦高阶〔commission〕Grandfather was commissioned as Group Captain in the RAF just before the war.就在战争爆发前夕祖父被任命为皇家空军上校。剑桥高阶〔enlist〕They both enlisted (in the navy) a year before the war broke out.他们两个人都是在战争爆发前一年加入(海军)的。剑桥高阶〔grateful〕I'm eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.我们设法在战争爆发前到了那里,我对此永生感恩。牛津搭配〔month〕The President was involved in discussions in the months leading up to the war.在战争爆发前的几个月里,总统一直在参与讨论。牛津搭配Intelligence sources, believed to be MI5, predicted the war six months before it happened.据信是军情五处的情报来源在战争爆发前6个月就已预见要发生战争。剑桥国际

