
单词 泻下
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLOW〕The walls of the cave are smooth, polished by the water cascading from above. 洞壁很光滑,是上面泻下来的水冲刷成的。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The waterfall cascaded over the rocks and splashed into a pool at the bottom. 那瀑布在岩石上倾泻下来,飞溅着落入下面的一个池中。朗文写作活用〔arrow〕Lights arrowed down into the airport.缕缕光线往机场泻下英汉大词典〔cascade〕The water cascaded off the roof in the thunderstorm.雷雨时雨水从屋顶泻下英汉大词典〔drip〕Moonlight dripped through the leaves.月光透过树叶轻柔地泻下英汉大词典〔dumping〕They have promised to limit the dumping of sewage sludge in the sea.他们保证将限制向海里倾泻下水道污泥。剑桥高阶〔icefall〕The part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall that flows down a steep slope.冰瀑:冰川的一部分,类似于从峭壁上泻下的冰冻了的瀑布美国传统〔loose〕The low black skies let loose on us and we became soaked to the skin.乌云低垂的天空向我们泻下倾盆大雨,把我们浑身都浇湿了。英汉大词典〔monotonous〕The rain poured monotonously out of the grey sky.雨单调地从灰暗的天空中倾泻下来。朗文当代〔pelt〕The clouds pelted rain upon us.雨水从云层中向我们泻下英汉大词典〔rain〕To send or pour down.落下:放出或泻下倾泻而下美国传统〔trench〕Torrents trenched the mountain.激流从山上泻下,冲出一道道水沟。英汉大词典Coins cascaded (=fell quickly and in large amounts) from/out of the fruit machine.大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻下来。剑桥国际It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the forest, with the sun streaming through the leaves.这是个森林中美丽的星期六下午,阳光从树叶的缝隙中泻下剑桥国际Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains. 洪水从山里倾泻下来。译典通

