
单词 来过夜
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ask〕They asked me to stay the night.他们要我留下来过夜麦克米伦高阶〔chain〕It's time the dogs were chained up for the night.是把那些狗拴起来过夜的时候了。英汉大词典〔huddle down〕They huddled down for the night.他们舒舒服服地躺下来过夜外研社新世纪〔impose〕We could ask to stay the night, but I don't want to impose on them.我们可以要求留下来过夜,但我不想给他们添麻烦。朗文当代〔make〕You should stay the night – I'll make up a bed for you.你应该留下来过夜,我给你铺张床。麦克米伦高阶〔pen〕We penned the sheep in for the night.我们用围栏把羊关起来过夜麦克米伦高阶〔settle〕They prepared to settle in for the night.他们准备安顿下来过夜牛津搭配〔sleep over〕My niece is sleeping over on Friday night.我侄女礼拜五晚上要来过夜剑桥高阶〔stay〕Dad said Chris could stay the night.爸爸说克里斯可以留下来过夜麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕He came by on Saturday to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.他星期六过来看看她是不是感到孤独。自然而然地,他就留下来过夜了。柯林斯高阶〔thing〕He came by to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.他过来看看她是不是感到孤独。顺其自然地, 他就留下来过夜了。外研社新世纪〔welcome〕You're more than welcome to stay overnight.非常欢迎你留下来过夜麦克米伦高阶In worsening weather with darkness closing in, the climbers prepared a bivouac and settled down for the night.在坏天气中当夜晚来临时,爬山者准备好露宿地,安身下来过夜剑桥国际They wanted me to stay the night but it wasn't worth it (= it would not have been very useful)--I could easily catch the last train.他们想让我留下来过夜,但不值得这样去做----我可以轻而易举地赶上最后一班火车。剑桥国际

