
单词 槭糖
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hasty pudding〕Cornmeal mush served with maple syrup, brown sugar, or other sweetening.玉米粥:和着槭糖浆、黄糖或其它糖类制成的玉米粥美国传统〔maple sugar〕A sugar made by boiling down maple syrup.槭糖:一种通过浓缩槭树糖浆而制成的糖美国传统〔maple syrup〕A sweet syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple.槭糖浆:由糖槭汁液做成的甜糖浆美国传统〔maple syrup〕Syrup made from various sugars and flavored with maple syrup or artificial maple flavoring.由各种糖制成,掺有槭糖浆或人造槭糖调味品的糖浆美国传统〔sap〕Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。牛津高阶〔sap〕Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是由甜槭树提取液制成的。牛津搭配〔sap〕Maple syrup is obtained from the sap of the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是从糖槭树的树汁中提取的。剑桥高阶〔sugarhouse〕A sugar refinery or processing plant, especially a building in which maple sap is boiled down to yield maple syrup and maple sugar.制糖厂:精炼糖或加工糖的工厂,尤指煮熬槭树液制造槭糖浆和槭糖的厂棚或建筑美国传统〔sugaring off〕An informal social gathering in which the guests help make maple sugar.熬糖会,槭糖节:宾客帮忙熬制槭糖的非正式的集会美国传统〔sugaring off〕The process or an instance of boiling down maple sap to yield maple syrup and maple sugar.熬制槭糖:煮熬槭树液制槭糖的过程或事例美国传统It takes about 40 gallons of sap from the maple to produce one gallon of maple syrup.40 加仑的枫树汁液才能酿制成1加仑的槭糖浆。剑桥国际

