“to notify”例句

单词 to notify
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Under the law the President is required to notify Congress when US troops are likely to be involved in hostilities. 法律规定,美国军队可能介入战斗时,总统必须通知国会。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Passengers are requested to notify a member of staff if they see suspicious packages. 乘客们如发现可疑的包裹,请通知工作人员。朗文写作活用〔circumstance〕You are obliged by law to notify the agency of any change in circumstances.你有法律义务把任何情况的改变通知代理处。麦克米伦高阶〔kin〕We'll have to notify the next of kin of his death.我们得把他去世的消息通知他最近的亲属。朗文当代〔leave〕The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer.我可以采取的唯一措施就是通知她的雇主。牛津高阶〔notify〕The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school.如果孩子没来上学,学校必须通知其家长。剑桥高阶〔previse〕To notify in advance; forewarn.预先通知;预先警告美国传统〔remiss〕It was remiss of the social services not to notify the police.没有通知警方,这是社会福利部门的疏忽。朗文当代〔security〕You'll need to notify security if you want to work late in the office.如果想在办公室里工作到很晚,你需要通知保安人员。剑桥高阶〔see〕They didn't see the need/any need (= understand that it was important) to notify their members of the changes in writing.他们认为没有必要用书面形式通知其成员相关变化。剑桥高阶〔self-certification〕You are able to notify up to eight days' illness by self-certification.请8天之内的病假,自己证实病情即可。剑桥高阶〔suppose〕I don't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police.我看你没想过要去通知警察。柯林斯高阶〔suppose〕I don't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police.我看你没想过要通知警方。外研社新世纪The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school.如果孩子们没有来上课,学校须通知家长。剑桥国际They didn't see the need/any need (= understand that it was important) to notify their members of the changes in writing.他们不认为有必要书面通知成员们关于那些变化。剑桥国际You'll need to notify security if you want to work late in the office.要是想在办公室工作得晚些,你必须通知保安人员。剑桥国际

