“to be given”例句

单词 to be given
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕Children need to be given a sense of security. 儿童需要得到安全感。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕We sorted all the clothes into two piles - those to be kept, and those to be given away. 我们把所有的衣服分成两堆—一堆留着,一堆要送掉。朗文写作活用〔Garter〕He expected to be given the Garter.他期待被授予嘉德勋章。外研社新世纪〔KILL〕He is the youngest person ever to be given a death sentence in San Diego County. 他是圣迭戈县历来最年轻的被判处死刑的人。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕I didn't think the candidate deserved to be given a pass but the other examiners disagreed. 我认为不应该给这名应考者及格,但其他考官却不同意。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕He treated me as if I wasn't responsible enough to be given the tools to do my job. 他对待我的态度好像是我不大可靠,不能给我工具让我干活。朗文写作活用〔approval〕The scheme has yet to be given government approval.这项计划还没有得到政府的批准。麦克米伦高阶〔countersign〕A secret sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage; a password.暗号:为通过岗哨而必须给出的秘密记号或口令;暗语美国传统〔discretion〕They would like local bodies to be given greater discretion as to how the money is spent.他们希望地方机构有更大的自主权决定资金的使用。牛津搭配〔dose〕She needs to be given a daily dose of the medicine.这种药她需要每天用一定的剂量。牛津搭配〔due〕He deserves to be given his due.那是他应得的,他受之无愧。韦氏高阶〔due〕My essay's due next Friday(= it has to be given to the teacher by then).我的论文下周五必须交。牛津高阶〔exhale〕To be given off or emitted.发出或放出美国传统〔extension〕They are hoping to get an extension of their loan (= to be given a longer period of time in which to pay it back).他们希望能够将贷款期限延长。剑桥高阶〔fall〕To be given by right or inheritance.被给予:被赋予权力或继承权美国传统〔freedom〕They are campaigning for freedom of information (= for any information to be allowed to be given to anyone who wants it).他们正在争取信息自由。剑桥高阶〔generally〕He wants more money to be given to the arts generally.他希望各艺术门类都能得到更多的资金。剑桥高阶〔give〕Permission to build on the site had to be given by the council.在这里建房必须得到市议会的批准。麦克米伦高阶〔government〕The tax surplus is to be given to local governments to spend as they see fit.地方政府麦克米伦高阶〔high〕Most people feel that education needs to be given higher priority.大多数人认为教育应该是当务之急。朗文当代〔hope〕Thousands of childless couples are to be given new hope by the government.政府将为数千对无子女的夫妇带来新的希望。柯林斯高阶〔improve〕Workers need to be given an incentive to improve their performance.工人需要外部激励以提高业绩。牛津搭配〔injection〕It has to be given by injection, usually twice daily.它必须通过注射摄入,通常一天两次。柯林斯高阶〔injection〕It has to be given by injection.这种药只能注射。外研社新世纪〔liberty〕Hundreds of political prisoners are to be given their liberty (= released from prison).数百名政治犯将获得自由。剑桥高阶〔particular〕Two matters need to be given particular attention.两件事情需要特别加以关注。麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕In choosing men to be given a raise, they passed Mr.Hart by.在选择给哪些人加薪时,他们没考虑哈特先生。英汉大词典〔pill〕You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.你年龄太大了,没人愿意再给工作,这是你不得不接受的现实。柯林斯高阶〔pill〕You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.你年龄太大了, 没人愿意给你工作, 这是你不得不接受的现实。外研社新世纪〔prescription〕The doctor should give you a repeat prescription (= another piece of paper allowing more of the same medicine to be given, often without the person seeing the doctor again).医生应该给你开个重复处方。剑桥高阶〔prominence〕Crime prevention had to be given more prominence.防止犯罪方面应当受到更多的重视。柯林斯高阶〔prominence〕Crime prevention had to be given more prominence.应该更加重视犯罪的防范。外研社新世纪〔red carpet〕I didn't expect to be given the red carpet treatment! 我可没想到会受到隆重接待!牛津高阶〔reminder〕The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means.有些事将很快让英国人清楚意识到海外作战究竟意味着什么。柯林斯高阶〔sack〕He ought to be given the sack.他应该被开除。麦克米伦高阶〔status〕Women are only asking to be given equal status with men.妇女只是要求得到和男人平等的地位。牛津高阶〔talkback〕A system of communications links in a television or radio studio that enables directions to be given while a program is being produced.对讲电话:电视或广播工作室中能在一个节目正在制作的同时下达另一指令的一种通讯联络系统美国传统〔tolerance〕Some patients gradually develop a tolerance for the drug and need to be given a larger dose.一些病人对药物逐渐产生了耐药力,需要增大剂量。韦氏高阶A dinner is to be given in honor of the new president. 将为新校长举行晚宴。译典通Bank staff are to be given more training to help them deal with armed robbers.银行职工将接受更多的训练以对付武装抢劫者。剑桥国际He had to be given a prompt. 他不得不要人提词。译典通He was hysterical after the accident and had to be given a sedative (= a substance which calms people).事故后,他变得歇斯底里,不得不给他服镇静剂了。剑桥国际Hundreds of political prisoners are to be given their liberty (= released from prison) .成百上千的政治犯将获得自由。剑桥国际I don't know how they manage with seven (hungry) mouths to feed (= people, esp. children, in one family or group of people, who need to be given food).我不知道他们是怎样设法养活七口人的。剑桥国际John's transfer left the field clear for Judy to be given the job.约翰调职不再与朱迪竞争,使朱迪能够得到这件工作。剑桥国际Our train broke down and had to be given a shunt into the station.我们的火车坏了,不得不靠调车机车进站。剑桥国际She did nothing wrong to be given such a roasting. 她没做错什么事,不应该受到这么严厉的批评。译典通They are campaigning for freedom of information (=for any information to be allowed to be given to anyone who wants it).他们在为信息自由而战。剑桥国际They are hoping to get an extension of their loan. (= to be given a longer period of time in which to pay it back).他们希望能延长他们的还贷期。剑桥国际You have to be fairly high up in the company in order to be given a car.你必须在公司里担任相当高的职务才能配备一辆轿车。剑桥国际

