
单词 带路
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DARK〕Madame Gloriana led the way into a dimly lit back room. 格罗丽亚娜夫人带路走进一间灯光昏暗的密室里。朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕I'll send someone with you to show you the way. 我派个人给你带路吧。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕She nodded for Mike to lead the way. 她点点头叫迈克带路朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕In silence, Roland led the way back to the car. 罗兰默不作声地带路走回停车的地方。朗文写作活用〔behind〕She led the way upstairs, with Terry following behind.她在前面带路往路上走, 特里跟在后面。外研社新世纪〔guide〕The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days.山民们说,有人带路的话这段行程可以在14天内完成。柯林斯高阶〔lead the way〕You lead the way, and we'll follow.你带路,我们跟着走。韦氏高阶〔lead〕Five people helping to lead a convoy of aid are feared dead.为救援车队带路的 5 个人恐已遇难。牛津搭配〔lead〕I don't know the way, so you'd better lead.我不认识路,你最好在前面带路剑桥高阶〔lead〕If you lead in the jeep, we'll follow behind on the horses.如果你开吉普车带路,我们就骑马跟在后面。剑桥高阶〔lead〕Let me lead the way.我来带路牛津搭配〔lead〕Sheila turned and led the way downstairs.领路;带路麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕The manager led the way through the office.经理带路穿过办公室。朗文当代〔lead〕You lead and we'll follow right behind you.你带路,我们会紧跟着你。韦氏高阶〔lead〕You lead the way and we'll follow.你带路,我们跟着你。牛津搭配〔lead〕You lead us and we'll follow right behind you.你在前面带路,我们会紧跟着你。韦氏高阶〔lead〕You've been there before - why don't you lead the way? 你以前去过那里——为什么不给我们带路剑桥高阶〔rank〕The man led the way to the taxi rank.那人带路来到了出租汽车候客处。柯林斯高阶〔rank〕The man led the way to the taxi rank.那人带路来到了出租车候客处。外研社新世纪〔rear〕Mother led the way, with the children bringing up the rear.妈妈在前面带路,孩子们殿后。麦克米伦高阶〔show〕Come on, I'll show you the way .好啦,我来给你带路吧。朗文当代〔show〕I'll go first and show you the way.我先走,给你带路牛津高阶〔side〕He led the way round to the side of the building.他带路绕到大楼的侧面。朗文当代〔trot〕The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him.向导在前面带路,我们跟在他的后面走。牛津高阶〔us〕We needed a guide to show us the way.我们需要导游带路麦克米伦高阶〔way〕Archie led the way upstairs.阿奇带路上楼。外研社新世纪〔way〕She grabbed his suitcase and led the way.她拿过他的箱子在前面带路柯林斯高阶A young boy holding a lighted candle led the procession.一个手拿点着了的蜡烛的小男孩在游行队伍前面带路剑桥国际If you lead (on) in the jeep we'll follow behind on the horses.如果你坐吉普车在前面带路的话,我们将骑马跟在后面。剑桥国际You've been there before -- why don't you lead the way (= show the way by going in front) .你以前去过那儿----你为什么不带路剑桥国际

