
单词 一睹
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔catch a glimpse〕While you're in Hollywood, you might catch a glimpse of some movie stars.在好莱坞有可能一睹某些电影明星的风采。韦氏高阶〔catch〕Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their idol.歌迷们在机场等候多时,想一睹他们偶像的风采。朗文当代〔core〕A hard core of supporters gathered to see the star arrive.支持者中的中坚分子聚集在一起一睹这位明星的到来。牛津搭配〔crane〕Mike was craning his neck to get the first glimpse of the car.迈克伸长脖子,想抢先一睹那辆汽车的风采。剑桥高阶〔fan〕Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。牛津搭配〔get〕Crowds pushed forward to get a glimpse of their hero.人群挤向前去一睹他们的英雄。外研社新世纪〔glimpse〕Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine.为了一睹女主角的风采,一些追星族已经在海德公园饭店外守候了24个小时。柯林斯高阶〔glimpse〕Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the star.成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹这位明星的风采。牛津搭配〔huddle〕People huddled around the theatre in order to have a look at her beauty.人们聚集在剧场的周围,以便一睹她的芳容。21世纪英汉〔keep back〕Fans hoping for a glimpse of the couple were kept back by tight security.严密的安全措施使期望一睹这对夫妻风采的粉丝们无法靠近。外研社新世纪〔pack〕Fans packed the hall to see the band.乐迷为了一睹乐队丰采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。牛津高阶〔raw〕The guide took us out for a glimpse of lions-in-the-raw.导游带领我们出去一睹那些处在野生自然状态的狮子。英汉大词典〔strain〕Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。柯林斯高阶

