
单词 不熟悉的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕When faced with an unfamiliar word, good readers are able to make guesses based on the meaning and structure of the sentence. 善于读书的人遇见不熟悉的单词会根据句子的含义和结构去猜。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain. 军队利用卫星给士兵在不熟悉的地形上导航。朗文写作活用〔crapshoot〕Choosing a restaurant can be a real crapshoot when you're in an unfamiliar city.在不熟悉的城市里选一家餐馆的确是件拿不准的事。韦氏高阶〔double negative〕The phrase "a not unfamiliar situation" is an example of a double negative.短语“一种并非不熟悉的情况”就是一个双重否定的例子。剑桥高阶〔fish〕Completely unfamiliar with one's surroundings or activity.如鱼离水的,感到生疏:对自己所处的环境或所干的事完全不熟悉的美国传统〔formally〕They behave very formally with people they don't know well.他们与不熟悉的人在一起时很讲究礼仪。韦氏高阶〔formal〕They are formal with people they don't know well.他们对不熟悉的人很讲究礼仪。韦氏高阶〔grammar〕The grammar of politics in Latin America is unfamiliar to the Anglo-Saxon mind.拉丁美洲的一套政治原则是盎格鲁-撒克逊人所不熟悉的英汉大词典〔innumerate〕A person who is unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的美国传统〔innumerate〕Unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的美国传统〔orienteering〕A cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory.越野识途比赛:一种参赛人在比赛中运用地图和罗盘在不熟悉的地区找到前进道路的越野比赛美国传统〔outlandish〕Strikingly unfamiliar.非常不熟悉的美国传统〔strange〕Not previously known; unfamiliar.生疏的:以前不知的;不熟悉的美国传统〔stumble〕I heard him stumble over the unfamiliar words.我听到他结结巴巴地念不熟悉的词语。韦氏高阶〔territory〕The company is moving into unfamiliar territory with this new software.该公司正通过这种新软件进入一个不熟悉的领域。朗文当代〔transpose〕Children often transpose letters when trying to spell unfamiliar words.孩子拼写不熟悉的单词时,经常会把字母顺序搞错。麦克米伦高阶〔uncouth〕Archaic Foreign; unfamiliar.【古语】 陌生的,不熟悉的美国传统〔unfamiliarity〕She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me.她种了很多我不熟悉的奇妙植物。柯林斯高阶〔unfamiliar〕Please highlight any terms that are unfamiliar to you.请把你们不熟悉的用语都标示出来。牛津高阶〔unfamiliar〕Your baby may respond to unfamiliar faces too.宝宝对不熟悉的面孔可能也会作出反应。外研社新世纪〔uninitiated〕Its appeal may not be immediately obvious to the uninitiated.不熟悉的人很难一下子体会到它的魅力。柯林斯高阶〔unthinking〕What annoys me about these people is their unthinking hostility to anything foreign or unfamiliar.让我生气的是,这些人对任何外来的或是不熟悉的东西都不加区分地怀有敌意。剑桥高阶I saw an unfamiliar face at the door. 我在门口看到一张不熟悉的面孔。译典通Michelle, for the uninitiated, is the central female character in ITV's latest comedy series.为不熟悉的人作点说明,密歇尔是(英国)独立电视台最近的喜剧连续剧中的女主角。剑桥国际What annoys me about these people is their unthinking hostility to anything foreign or unfamiliar.这些人令我恼火的是他们对任何外国或不熟悉的事物的轻率的敌视。剑桥国际

