
单词 升降
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cage〕An elevator car.升降美国传统〔catboat〕A broad-beamed sailboat carrying a single sail on a mast stepped well forward and often fitted with a centerboard.独桅艇:在其前桅杆上仅挂一面帆的宽舷船,通常备有垂直升降美国传统〔chatter〕The chatter of the chairlift cable over the pulley wheel is the loudest noise.最大的声响是升降椅的缆绳在滑轮上发出的吱吱声。外研社新世纪〔cherry picker〕A cherry picker was brought in to install decorative lights on the roof.移动升降台送到了现场,用来安装屋顶上的装饰灯。剑桥高阶〔cherry picker〕A mobile crane having a maneuverable vertical boom, at the top of which a passenger can do such work as tree pruning and street-light maintenance.移动升降台:一种可移动的具有可调的垂直支臂的升降台架,人可站在顶部做剪树枝和修路灯等工作美国传统〔companionway〕A staircase leading from a deck to the cabins or area below.甲板扶梯升降口:从甲板到舱或下面地方的楼梯美国传统〔companion〕A companionway.甲板扶梯升降美国传统〔control stick〕A lever used to control the motion of an aircraft by changing the angle of the elevators and ailerons.操纵杆:通过改变升降舵及副翼的角度来控制飞机运行的操纵杆美国传统〔control surface〕A movable airfoil, especially a rudder, an aileron, or an elevator, used to control or guide an aircraft, a guided missile, or a rocket.操纵台面:一种用来控制或操纵飞机、导弹或火箭的活动翼面,尤指方向舵、副翼或升降美国传统〔convertiplane〕An airplane built to fly vertically as well as forward.垂直升降飞机:一种既可向前飞亦可垂直飞行的飞机美国传统〔course〕Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.飞机可以通过升降以及向左或向右改变航向来避免碰撞。外研社新世纪〔course〕Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。柯林斯高阶〔decapitate〕A worker was decapitated when a lift plummeted down the shaft on top of him.升降机沿着升降井坠落到一名工人身上, 工人的脑袋被削掉了。外研社新世纪〔depress〕Increased production has depressed oil prices.产量的上升降低了油价。麦克米伦高阶〔draglift〕A ski lift, such as a rope tow, a T-bar, or a J-bar, that pulls skiers up a slope.吊杆:一种滑行升降器,如滑索,象"T"字形或"J"字形,用于将滑雪者沿山坡拉上山美国传统〔droplight〕A hanging lamp that can be lowered and raised on its cord.升降灯:可用吊绳升降的吊灯美国传统〔dumbwaiter〕A small elevator used to convey food or other goods from one floor of a building to another.升降机:楼层间运送食品或其它物品的小型升降美国传统〔elevator〕A movable control surface, usually attached to the horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft, that is used to produce motion up or down.升降舵:一个可动控制台,通常安装在飞机的尾翼上,用来操纵飞机升降美国传统〔elevator〕A platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight.升降机:在垂直通道上载运人们或货物升降的平台或笼子美国传统〔elevator〕One guy fell down the elevator shaft.有个家伙掉下了电梯升降井。牛津搭配〔elevon〕A control surface on an airplane that combines the functions of an elevator and an aileron.升降副翼:兼有升降舵和副翼两种功能的飞机控制平面美国传统〔eustasy〕A worldwide change in sea level.海面升降,海面进退:全球性的海平面变化美国传统〔floating dock〕A dock that is supported by metal pipes on which it can move up and down with the rise and fall of the water level.浮码头:一种底部由金属管支撑并可随着水位的升降而上下移动的码头美国传统〔flow〕The grain flowed smoothly down the elevator chute.谷物源源不断地进入下面的升降槽。韦氏高阶〔fly gallery〕A narrow elevated platform at the side of the stage in a theater, from which a stagehand works the ropes controlling equipment in the flies.吊杆天桥:舞台两旁高处工人可以操纵布景升降的狭窄平台美国传统〔forklift〕A small industrial vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load to be lifted and moved.叉式升降机:一小工业用车,用一块可升降的自动的叉状铁板插在重物下方来提升或移动重物美国传统〔forklift〕To move or stack by use of a vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform.用叉式升降机运送或堆积美国传统〔funicular〕A cable railway on a steep incline, especially such a railway with simultaneously ascending and descending cars counterbalancing one another.缆索铁路:一种在陡坡上的有互起平衡作用并同时升降的车的缆车道美国传统〔gantry〕A mount for a traveling crane consisting of a large archlike or bridgelike frame designed to move along a set of tracks.托台:由大的拱形或桥形架组成的供移动升降架的框架,设计为沿着一系列轨道移动美国传统〔gear〕Firefighters with heavy lifting gear battled to free the survivors from the wreckage.消防队员带上很重的升降起重装置,奋力解救废墟里面的幸存者。麦克米伦高阶〔glissando〕A rapid slide through a series of consecutive tones in a scalelike passage.滑奏,滑奏演奏法:在音阶升降相似的一节乐曲中从一系列连贯的音中的快速滑动美国传统〔graph〕She drew/plotted a graph showing the rise and fall in temperature during the month.她绘制了曲线图标出了这个月气温的升降变化。韦氏高阶〔grind〕The lift grinds in the shaft.电梯在升降井里嘎嘎作响。英汉大词典〔grind〕With Stone sweating up on the halyards and Melissa grinding the sheet winch, they hoisted sail.斯通费力地弄着升降索, 梅利莎摇着帆脚索手柄, 他们两人把帆升了起来。外研社新世纪〔halyard〕A rope used to raise or lower a sail, flag, or yard.吊索,升降索:用来升起或降下船帆,船旗、帆桁的绳索美国传统〔helpful〕The stairlift will be helpful to the older patients.座椅式楼梯升降机对老年病人会很有帮助。牛津搭配〔hoist〕It takes three nurses and a hoist to get me from bed into this chair.叫了三个护士并用了一架升降移位机才把我从床上放到这把椅子上。外研社新世纪〔hoist〕Then a crane hoisted him on to the platform.然后一台升降机将他送到了舞台上。外研社新世纪〔hoist〕Then a crane hoisted him on to the platform.然后一台升降机将他送到了舞台上。柯林斯高阶〔jump into〕The assassin jumped into the elevator shaft.那个刺客跳进了升降机井。外研社新世纪〔lifeline〕A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers.升降索:用来提升或放低深海潜水员的绳索美国传统〔lubber's hole〕A hole through the platform surrounding the upper part of a ship's mast, through which one may climb to go aloft.桅斗入孔口,桅楼升降口:船的桅杆上部,穿过周围平台的孔,供住更高处去的人通过美国传统〔luff〕To raise or lower (the boom of a crane or derrick).升降:使起重机的吊臂上升或下降美国传统〔machine〕A device used to produce a stage effect, especially a mechanical means of lowering an actor onto the stage.舞台装置:一种制造舞台效果的装置,特指用机械升降方式把演员置于舞台之上美国传统〔mine〕The site of such an excavation, with its surface buildings, elevator shafts, and equipment.矿山,矿场:矿井所在地及其地上建筑、升降通道和设备美国传统〔parrel〕A sliding loop of rope or chain by which a running yard or gaff is connected to, while still being able to move vertically along, the mast.装于帆桁中央两侧的索具:能滑动的绳圈或链子,用来把帆桁或缆索拴在船桅上,使之仍可以随意升降美国传统〔scale〕Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size.【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列美国传统〔shaft〕A vertical passage housing an elevator.电梯的垂直升降机井美国传统〔singsong〕A monotonously rising and falling inflection of the voice.平板的声调:嗓音单调地升降起伏美国传统〔stick〕The control device of an aircraft that operates the elevators and ailerons.操纵杆:飞机上操纵升降舱和副翼的控制装置美国传统〔sweep〕A long pole attached to a pivot and used to raise or lower a bucket in a well.汲井水用的长杆:连在轴心上用于升降井里水桶的长杆子美国传统〔swivel〕His chairs can swivel, but they can't move up or down.他的椅子能旋转,但是不能升降柯林斯高阶〔swivel〕His chairs can swivel, but they can't move up or down.他的椅子都可以旋转, 但不能升降外研社新世纪〔tackle〕A system of ropes and blocks for raising and lowering weights of rigging and pulleys for applying tension.索具:由升降索上升降重物的绳索、铁块和用来施加压力的滑轮所组成的一套系统美国传统〔wind〕He wound a handle and the lift ground to a halt.他拧转把手, 升降梯猛然停住。外研社新世纪Sorry but the escalator is out of (Am and Aus usually not in) use (= not operating).抱歉,那自动升降扶梯停用了。剑桥国际The fire officers used a hydraulic platform to get to the roof.消防队员用液压升降台来登上屋顶。剑桥国际The new contract has an escalator tying pay increases to the cost-of-living index.新合同有升降条款,将报酬增加与生活费用指数联系起来。剑桥国际The stock market's recent seesaw movements have made many investors nervous.股票市场最近的升降涨落使许多投资者十分不安。剑桥国际There was concern at the falling/rising birth rate.出生率的升降深受关切。剑桥国际Under the escalator clause of my mortgage agreement, my payments decreased when interest rates were lowered.根据我的抵押合同的升降条款,利率下降,我的付款额也下降。剑桥国际

