
单词 单调
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕To Miguel, the boredom of married life seemed never-ending. 对于米格尔来说,婚后的生活好像永远都是这样单调乏味。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕Going to night school might improve your chances of getting out of that humdrum job. 上夜校也许能使你更有可能摆脱那份单调乏味的工作。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕Life on the farm was slow and monotonous. 农场生活节奏缓慢,而且单调乏味。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕The monotony of prison life is enough to drive anyone insane. 单调的监狱生活足以使任何人发疯。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕The teacher's low monotonous voice almost put me to sleep. 那位教师低沉又单调的嗓音几乎使我入睡。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕There's never a dull moment in the entire film, and Pierce Brosnan is superb in the James Bond role. 整部影片一刻也不单调,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南扮演的詹姆斯·邦德棒极了。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕Most modern housing developments show a tedious uniformity of design. 大多数现代住宅小区的设计都千篇一律,单调乏味。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕I was doing grunt work for the secretary in the department, twenty hours a week. 我每周20小时为部门秘书做单调乏味的苦差事。朗文写作活用〔anonymity〕It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。柯林斯高阶〔blank〕Every day seemed blank and meaningless.日复一日,似乎总那么单调沉闷,没有意思。英汉大词典〔boring〕Try not to make the diet boring.尽量不要让饮食单调牛津搭配〔challenge〕This job is too dull; she wants one with more challenge.这工作太单调,她需要换一种较有趣味的工作。英汉大词典〔cheer〕Bright curtains can cheer up a dull room.色彩鲜艳的窗帘可以让单调的房间变得亮丽起来。牛津高阶〔cheesed off〕I did get a bit cheesed off with the movie's rather plodding pace.我对这部电影缓慢单调的剧情发展确实有点厌烦。外研社新世纪〔chug〕To make dull, explosive sounds.发嘎嚓声:发出单调的、很响的声音美国传统〔confining〕Life here is particularly confining for bachelors. It's like living in a monastery.这里的生活对单身汉来说特别单调,像在修道院里似的。英汉大词典〔crap〕It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.那是一堆单调乏味、毫无幽默感的废话。外研社新世纪〔daft〕You could go daft listening to such monotonous music.听这么单调的音乐你会发疯的。麦克米伦高阶〔deficiency〕The book's major deficiency is its poor plot.这本书的主要缺点是情节过于单调韦氏高阶〔dingy〕Shabby, drab, or squalid.褴褛的:褴褛的,单调的或邋遢的美国传统〔downside〕The downside of the book is that it is written in a rather boring style.这本书的缺点是写作风格太单调朗文当代〔drab〕Faded and dull in appearance.外表褪色的,单调美国传统〔drab〕Their lives seem so drab.他们的生活似乎很单调乏味。麦克米伦高阶〔draggy〕Dull and listless.单调而无生气的美国传统〔drone〕The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy.他单调低沉的语调让我昏昏欲睡。剑桥高阶〔drone〕The meeting droned on for hours.会议单调地延续了几个小时。21世纪英汉〔drone〕To pass or act in a monotonous way.以单调的方式度过或行动美国传统〔drudgery〕People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives.人们想摆脱日常生活中单调乏味的工作。柯林斯高阶〔eradicate〕If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作, 世界将会变得更加美好。外研社新世纪〔escape〕He needed a vacation to escape the routine of daily life.他需要度个假来逃脱单调的日常生活。韦氏高阶〔fail〕Many diets fail because they are boring.许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。牛津高阶〔footfall〕She heard the priest's familiar, flat footfall on the staircase.她听到楼梯上传来牧师那熟悉、单调的脚步声。外研社新世纪〔form〕She stared at the lifeless form on the driveway.她盯着车道上单调的影子。麦克米伦高阶〔grind〕I need a break from the daily grind.我需要告别每日单调的工作,休息一下。韦氏高阶〔grind〕The band only ground out old tunes all evening.整个晚上乐队只是单调乏味地奏旧曲子。英汉大词典〔hackwork〕Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind.平庸的作品:冗长,单调,令人感到乏味的作品美国传统〔humdrum〕Monotonous talk or routine.乏味的谈话:单调的谈话或老一套美国传统〔humdrum〕Most of the work is fairly humdrum.这工作大部分都相当单调剑桥高阶〔insupportable〕Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.没有安娜的生活平淡无趣、单调沉闷, 让人难以忍受。外研社新世纪〔insupportable〕Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.没有安娜的生活毫无情趣,单调乏味,不可忍受。柯林斯高阶〔jejune〕We knew we were in for a pretty long, jejune evening.我们很清楚我们注定要过一个乏味单调的漫长夜晚了。柯林斯高阶〔labour at〕There's no point in labouring at a tedious task.辛苦地干单调乏味的工作没有意义。21世纪英汉〔life〕My life has become a treadmill.我的生活状态变得单调乏味了。外研社新世纪〔lumpish〕The novels are lumpish and dull.那些小说单调乏味。英汉大词典〔mechanize〕To make automatic or unspontaneous; render routine or monotonous.以机能化:使自动化,使失去自发性;使常规化,使单调美国传统〔mitigation〕His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.他的婚姻使他单调的生活得到了些许缓和。朗文当代〔modulate〕She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated.她的声音很单调,应该加以调整。21世纪英汉〔monochrome〕The park in winter is a depressing monochrome brown.冬季公园里是一片令人抑郁的单调棕色。剑桥高阶〔monotone〕A succession of sounds or words uttered in a single tone of voice.单调:以一种声调发出的一连串的声音或话语美国传统〔monotone〕Don't speak [read] in a monotone; use expression.不要用单调声音讲话[读书],要有抑扬顿挫。文馨英汉〔monotone〕Hague's Yorkshire monotone grated on the radio and television.黑格那约克郡特有的单调语调刺耳地回响在广播和电视中。外研社新世纪〔monotone〕He answered all the lawyer's questions in a dull monotone.他用单调的语气回答了律师所有的问题。朗文当代〔monotone〕He spoke in a monotone drawl.他用慢吞吞又单调的语气说话。牛津高阶〔monotone〕Sameness or dull repetition in sound, style, manner, or color.单调:声音、文体、风格和色彩的同样性或单调的重复美国传统〔monotone〕She spoke in a monotone voice.她讲话声音单调韦氏高阶〔monotonously〕It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs.与工厂大部分工作一样,这份工作也很单调乏味。柯林斯高阶〔monotonously〕The days dragged on, all monotonously alike.日复一日, 单调乏味。外研社新世纪〔monotonously〕The teacher droned on monotonously.老师单调乏味地唠叨个不停。韦氏高阶〔monotonous〕She spoke in a monotonous voice.她声音单调地说话。韦氏高阶〔monotonous〕The music became monotonous after a while.过了一会儿音乐变得单调起来。剑桥高阶〔monotony〕Her younger students were excited to break from the monotony of the teacher's voice and get involved.她那些年幼的学生都很兴奋, 因为他们自己也能参与进来, 而不再是单听老师以单调的声音宣讲。外研社新世纪〔monotony〕It is more and more difficult to get people to accept the monotony of work on the assembly line.要找到能忍受装配线上工作的单调的人,是越来越难了。文馨英汉〔monotony〕The routine was the same every day, with nothing to break/relieve the monotony.每天做的事都相同,没有什么来打破/调剂这种单调剑桥高阶〔monotony〕Uniformity or lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection.单调:音调、语调或音调抑扬变化上始终一致或缺少变化美国传统〔monument〕His lecture was a monument of tedium.他的学术报告单调乏味之极。英汉大词典〔more〕The scenery was boring, the people even more so.风景很单调乏味, 人更是如此。外研社新世纪〔mundane〕I found the job very mundane.我觉得这工作非常单调牛津搭配〔pall〕To become insipid, boring, or wearisome.感到无聊,厌烦:变得单调、乏味或令人厌烦的美国传统〔pall〕To have a dulling, wearisome, or boring effect.扫兴:有单调、乏味或令人厌烦的影响美国传统〔pall〕To make vapid or wearisome.使乏味:使单调乏味或令人生厌美国传统〔sameness〕She grew tired of the sameness of the food.饭菜单调,她都吃腻了。牛津高阶〔sameness〕There was a sameness about much of the music.这些音乐大部分单调而无变化。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕This type of work is often seen as boring.这种工作常常被认为是单调乏味的。朗文当代〔sing-song〕He started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice.他开始用一种带有鼻音、节奏单调的声音讲话。外研社新世纪〔singsong〕Monotonous in vocal inflection or rhythm.单调的:嗓音或节奏单调美国传统〔singsong〕Verse characterized by mechanical regularity of rhythm and rhyme.单调诗句:节奏和韵律单调机械的诗句美国传统〔soporific〕The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.房间里的热气和发言人单调的声音让人昏昏欲睡。柯林斯高阶〔tom-tom〕A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound.单调鼓声:一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音美国传统〔uninspired〕She gave an uninspired performance.她的表演单调乏味。韦氏高阶〔uninteresting〕Their media has earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting.他们的媒体获得了相当单调、乏味的名声。柯林斯高阶〔vegetate〕To exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility.过呆板单调的生活:以一种身体或精神不活跃或无感觉的状态存在美国传统Although her job is boring and monotonous, she likes the sense of predictability and security that it gives her.虽然她的工作很单调乏味,但她喜欢这个工作的安全性和可预计性。剑桥国际He works in a very pedestrian way, showing no imagination at all.他工作的方式很单调,毫无想象力可言。剑桥国际I am afraid that I should find it drudgery to teach music to beginners. 我恐怕会觉得教初学者音乐是个单调沉闷的工作。译典通I find this kind of work boringly repetitive.我认为这工作就是单调的重复。剑桥国际I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line. 我痛恨在单调无味的流水装配线上工作。译典通I hate those monochrome discussions which end with everyone agreeing--they're so boring.我讨厌那些单调的到最后每人都达成一致的讨论,他们真乏味。剑桥国际I needed something to break the monotony of my typing job.我需要些东西解除打字工作的单调剑桥国际In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.为了改变它单调的形象,这报纸针对青年读者开设了新栏目。剑桥国际It was one of those dull, cold Februaries that seem to last forever.那是个单调寒冷的二月,它似乎永远过不完。剑桥国际It's the unrelieved drabness of big industrial cities that depresses me.是一片工业城市的单调沉闷使我沮丧。剑桥国际No product is too prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging. 靠迷人的包装,任何商品就不会单调乏味,因而总能获利不小。译典通The children were bored by the flatness of the long winter night. 漫长冬夜的单调使孩子们感到乏味。译典通The demonstrators chanted in the square. 示威者在广场上单调而有节奏地喊叫。译典通The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy.他那单调低沉的嗓音使我昏昏欲睡。剑桥国际The hearings droned on for hours. 听证单调地延续了几个小时。译典通The orchestra ground out the same tunes it has been playing for twenty years.管弦乐队单调乏味地演奏着它奏了二十年的同样的曲子。剑桥国际The work is interesting at first but it soon becomes routine.这项工作开始时很有趣,但是很快就变得单调乏味。牛津商务They live in very comfortable/pleasant/drab/bleak surroundings.他们的周围环境非常舒适/单调/荒凉。剑桥国际Your hair has a natural wave whereas mine's just straight and boring.你的头发自然卷曲,而我的却又直又单调剑桥国际

