
单词 原状
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIG〕The mosaics excavated in 1989 have now been fully restored. 于1989年发掘出来的马赛克现已完全恢复原状朗文写作活用〔FAT〕The majority of overweight people who diet tend to gain the weight back within a few years. 大多数节食的超重者几年后会回复原状朗文写作活用〔as〕The rule would be left as is for the time being.那条规则暂时将保持原状英汉大词典〔condition〕The clock was restored to its original condition.这个钟已经恢复原状牛津搭配〔conservation〕The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.守恒:在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状美国传统〔continue〕To cause to remain or last; retain.使继续:使…维持原状或持续;维持美国传统〔deform〕These bolts elastically deform and return to their original dimensions when loosened.这些螺栓有弹性, 受压时变形, 松开时又恢复原状外研社新世纪〔guess〕Our best guess is that the forests will not recover for a long time.依我们的猜测是,森林最有可能很长时间都不会恢复原状朗文当代〔line〕The cost-of-living index held the line last month.上月物价指数维持原状英汉大词典〔reconstituent〕Every day she reconstitutes the frozen orange juice by adding water.她每天把冰冻的橘子汁加水使成原状21世纪英汉〔reconvert〕To undergo or cause to undergo conversion to a previous state or condition.恢复原状,使恢复原状:向或使之向原来的状态或情况转变美国传统〔recovery〕The region has been damaged by acid rain and rivers are fouled almost beyond recovery.这一地区遭到酸雨的破坏,河流污染之严重几乎无法恢复原状牛津搭配〔reinstate〕The broken mirror was reinstated in the twinkling of an eye.转瞬之间破镜子又恢复了原状21世纪英汉〔remember〕Engineering To return to (an original shape or form) after being deformed or altered.【工程学】 恢复原状:在被变形或改变之后回到(原来的形状或形态)美国传统〔return〕Things soon returned to their original state.不久情况恢复原状牛津同义词〔shape〕Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position.大多数金属丝一旦弯曲变形就无法恢复原状柯林斯高阶〔sport〕Biology An organism that shows a marked change from the normal type or parent stock, typically as a result of mutation.【生物学】 成熟突变体:显示从正常情况或母体原状发生显著变化的有机体,典型的是成熟之后的结果美国传统〔status quo〕We must not return to the status quo.我们决不能恢复原状柯林斯高阶〔stay〕Nine women gained weight, and four stayed the same .九名女性体重增加,四名仍保持原状朗文当代〔stitch〕Surgeons managed to stitch his finger back on.外科医生想办法把他的断指缝合成原状麦克米伦高阶〔synaptosome〕A saclike structure formed by nerve endings at a synapse that remains intact after homogenization of nerve tissue.突触体:一种袋状构造体,由经过神经组织均质后仍保持原状的突触神经末梢形成美国传统This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape after you've squashed it.这个橡皮球的弹性很强,你将它挤压后,它会立即弹回原状剑桥国际

