
单词 务农
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔change〕I've seen many changes since I started farming.自从开始务农以来,我看到了很多变化。牛津搭配〔family〕Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。牛津高阶〔farm〕He has lived and farmed in the area for 46 years.他在这个地区务农, 已有46年了。外研社新世纪〔farm〕He is farming in China.他在中国务农21世纪英汉〔farm〕The family has farmed here for generations.这一家在此世代务农朗文当代〔farm〕The family has farmed in Kent for over two hundred years.这个家族在肯特务农两百多年了。牛津高阶〔farm〕We farm for a living.我们以务农为生。英汉大词典〔hit and miss〕Farming can be very much a hit-and-miss affair.务农可能是件非常碰运气的事。柯林斯高阶〔homestead〕They decided to farm the old homestead.他们决定在这个老农庄里务农韦氏高阶〔land〕He decided to return to the land from his city job.他决定辞去城市的工作回乡务农英汉大词典〔land〕His family had always worked the land.他家过去一直务农牛津搭配〔land〕Living off the land was hard enough at the best of times.即使在年景最好的时候,务农为生也是相当艰辛的。柯林斯高阶〔land〕My parents worked (on) the land.我父母都务农剑桥高阶〔rule out〕A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming.1986年一场严重的车祸让他永远不可能再务农了。柯林斯高阶〔rule out〕A serious car accident ruled out a future in farming for him.一场严重的车祸让他永远不可能再务农了。外研社新世纪〔settle〕He settled down as a farmer with a family.他与一家人安顿下来务农美国传统〔soil〕Gardening is a way for city dwellers to return to the soil.从事园艺是城市居民务农的一种方式。剑桥高阶〔soil〕He has worked on the soil all his life.他毕生务农英汉大词典〔soil〕Her ancestors had felt a closeness to the soil.她的祖辈对务农有种亲切感。韦氏高阶〔soil〕It's hard these days to make a living from the soil.如今很难以务农为生。麦克米伦高阶〔soil〕They make their living from the soil.他们以务农为生。朗文当代〔subsistence〕Farming is their means of subsistence.务农是他们的谋生手段。韦氏高阶〔take up〕He left a job in the City to take up farming.他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农柯林斯高阶Agriculture remained unprofitable. 务农仍是赚不到钱。译典通My parents used to farm for a living. 我父母亲过去以务农为生。译典通The family has farmed in the area for generations.这个家族在这个地区世代务农牛津商务

