
单词 拖出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕A dog was pulling garbage out of a trash can which was lying on its side in the street. 一条狗把垃圾从一个翻倒在街上的垃圾筒里拖出朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Lauda was pulled from his blazing car with multiple burns. 劳达被人从燃烧的汽车里拖出来,身上多处烧伤。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕There's no point trying to shift the car by ourselves -- we'll have to get a truck to pull us out. 我们想要自己推动汽车简直是枉费力气——得叫辆拖吊车把我们拖出去。朗文写作活用〔PULL〕Somehow we managed to haul the boat out of the water and onto the bank. 我们终于想办法把小船拖出水面弄上岸。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Two men dragged him out of his home, and gunned him down in the street. 两名男子把他从家中拖出来,开枪把他击倒在街上。朗文写作活用〔drag ... out〕They dragged the old sofa out of the room.他们把旧沙发从房间里拖出来。21世纪英汉〔drag〕One of the parents eventually dragged the screaming toddler out of the store.最终,一位家长把那个尖叫的小孩拖出了商店。韦氏高阶〔drag〕We dragged the carpet out of the room.我们费力地把地毯拖出房间。21世纪英汉〔drag〕You drag me away from my meeting just to tell me this! 你把我从会议上硬拖出来就是为了告诉我这件事!麦克米伦高阶〔fish out〕The police fished the car out of the harbor.警方把汽车从海港里拖出韦氏高阶〔haul out〕He hauled the boat out of the shed.他将船拖出船坞。外研社新世纪〔haul out〕On Sunday I hauled the Rotavator out and set to work.周日我拖出旋耕机, 开始工作。外研社新世纪〔haul〕A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.只好用了起重机,才将轿车从河里拖出来。柯林斯高阶〔haul〕A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.得用起重机才能把车从小河中拖出来。外研社新世纪〔kick〕The police had to drag her kicking and screaming out of the house.警察不得不把又踢又叫的她拖出房子。牛津搭配〔lug〕She lugged her suitcase out of the room.她用力将提箱拖出屋子。21世纪英汉〔oath〕Carl screamed and hurled oaths as he was dragged out of the room.卡尔被从房间里拖出去时大叫大骂。英汉大词典〔rend〕Firemen had to rend him free of (= pull him out of) the burning car.消防员不得不将他从燃烧的轿车中强行拖出剑桥高阶〔roust〕The police rousted the thief out of the kitchen.警察将小偷从厨房里拖出来。21世纪英汉〔rout sb out〕His wife had to rout him out of the crowd.他的妻子不得不把他硬拖出人群。剑桥高阶〔shriek〕They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping.他们叫着哭着被家里拖出去。朗文当代〔spit〕He was dragged out of the court, spitting abuse at the judge and jury.他被拖出法庭,嘴里还不停地骂着法官和陪审团。牛津高阶〔unidentifiable〕Many of the bodies pulled out of the wreckage were unidentifiable.从残骸中拖出的很多尸体都无法辨认。韦氏高阶〔very〕I can't very well drag him out of the meeting, can I? 我又不好把他从会场拖出来,是不是? 英汉大词典〔voyeur〕I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.我在战区看到身受重伤的人们被从炸毁的家园中拖出来时,感觉自己就像个偷窥者。剑桥高阶〔weapon〕The youths were dragged from their car and searched for weapons.那些年轻人被从车里拖出来搜身,看是否携带有武器。剑桥高阶〔wreckage〕Firemen managed to pull some survivors from the wreckage.消防队员设法从残骸中拖出了几名幸存者。朗文当代〔wreck〕He was still alive when they pulled him from the wreck.他们把他从失事的车辆中拖出来时,他还活着。朗文当代〔wrestle〕Marshals tried to wrestle the demonstrator out of the room.执法人员试图将这名示威者从屋子里拖出去。柯林斯高阶〔wrestle〕Marshals tried to wrestle the demonstrator out of the room.执法人员试图将这名示威者从房间里拖出去。外研社新世纪Firemen had to rend him free(=pull him out)of the burning car.消防队员不得不把他从燃烧的汽车中拖出来。剑桥国际He saw a policeman pull a man out of the inferno of his blazing car.他看见一个警察从正在燃烧的汽车的火海中把一个人拖出来。剑桥国际I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.当我到达了交战区,看见受伤的人们被人从炸毁的家园里拖出来,我感到自己就像是个窥淫癖者。剑桥国际I had to drag the child screaming out of the shop.我不得不把哭叫着的小孩拖出商店。剑桥国际The final stage of the hunt when the fox is dragged out of its hole and killed by the hounds seems particularly cruel.狩猎活动以狐狸从洞里被拖出,并被猎狗杀害而告终,这显得尤为残酷。剑桥国际The oil rig was towed out to sea and moored.那艘石油钻台被拖出海,停泊在那里。剑桥国际The youths were dragged from their car and searched for weapons.这些年轻人被从汽车中拖出来搜查是否携带了武器。剑桥国际We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.我们在惊恐中看着他们把尸体从残骸中拖出剑桥国际

