
单词 操纵者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔control〕One that controls; a controlling agent, device, or organization.操纵者:控制或支配的人;起控制作用的制剂、装置或组织机构美国传统〔driver〕One that drives, as the operator of a motor vehicle.司机:驾车人,如机动车操纵者美国传统〔eminence grise〕Borusa had no wish to become president, instead preferring to operate as an eminence grise behind the scenes.博鲁萨不愿意当总裁,而是更喜欢做一个幕后操纵者朗文当代〔paymaster〕The assassin's paymasters were never identified.那名刺客的幕后操纵者始终没有查出来。朗文当代〔pull the strings〕It turned out that his brother was the person pulling the strings behind the operation.原来他哥哥是那次行动的幕后操纵者韦氏高阶〔slot car〕An electric toy racing car that fits into a slotted track and is controlled by a rheostat held by the operator.自动玩具车:一种电力玩具赛车,置于一条有槽的轨道上,由操纵者手执的变阻器来控制美国传统〔wirepuller〕Slang One who uses subterfuge, private influence, or underhand means to reach a goal.【俚语】 背后操纵者:用诡计、私下影响或卑鄙手段达到目的的人美国传统The mastermind behind (= The person who planned) the escape has never been identified.越狱的幕后操纵者至今仍未查明。剑桥国际You ought to be careful with her. She's a very smooth operator who can make you agree to almost anything.你和她在一起时要小心,她是个圆滑的操纵者,会让你同意任何事情的。剑桥国际

