
单词 指人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEANING〕The Victorians understood ‘The environment’ to mean the background to human activity, in particular, industrial activity. 维多利亚时代的人把“环境”一词理解成指人类活动的场所,尤指工业活动的场所。朗文写作活用〔Stockholm syndrome〕A phenomenon in which a hostage begins to identify with and grow sympathetic to his or her captor.斯德哥尔摩综合症:指人质认同并同情劫持者的现象美国传统〔abstract〕Language in the abstract is our facility to talk to each other.抽象意义上的语言就是指人们交谈的能力。英汉大词典〔abstract〕The word 'man' does not name all men, but the abstract idea of manhood.“man”这个词并不是指所有的人, 而是指人类这个抽象概念。外研社新世纪〔assurance〕Chiefly British Insurance, especially life insurance.【多用于英国】 人寿保险:保险,尤指人寿保险美国传统〔avoirdupois〕Informal Weight or heaviness, especially of a person.【非正式用语】 重量,尤指人的体重美国传统〔behavior〕The manner in which one behaves.行为:指人行动的方式美国传统〔body〕The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human being or an animal.身体:有机组织的全部物质或物理结构,尤指人类或动物美国传统〔coffeehouse〕A restaurant where coffee and other refreshments are served, especially one where people gather for conversation, games, or musical entertainment.咖啡馆:提供咖啡和其他饮料的一种餐馆,尤指人们聚集在里面谈话、玩笑或听音乐的那种美国传统〔convey〕These verbs are compared as they refer to the movement of someone or something from one place to another.这些动词,当它们指人或物从一个地方向另一个地方运动时,可相互比较。美国传统〔decay〕Aerospace To decrease in orbit. Used of an artificial satellite.【太空学】 能量衰减:在轨道上运行时能量消减。用于指人造卫星美国传统〔duck〕Slang A person, especially one thought of as peculiar.【俚语】 指人,尤指奇特的人美国传统〔dumb〕Offensive Incapable of using speech; mute. Used of human beings.【无礼用语】 哑的,无言的:不能说话的;沉默的。指人美国传统〔earthling〕One, especially a human being, that inhabits the planet Earth.凡人:居住在地球上的某物,尤指人美国传统〔effigy〕A likeness or image, especially of a person.肖像:模拟画或肖像,特别是指人美国传统〔embryo〕In human beings, the prefetal product of conception from implantation through the eighth week of development.胎儿:指人类从受孕到生长八周期间的胎儿美国传统〔figure〕A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.画像、塑像:图片或雕塑的表现,特指人体形象美国传统〔flock〕These nouns denote a number of animals, birds, or fish considered collectively,and some have human connotations.这些名词用来指一些牲畜、鸟或鱼类的集合,有些也可指人美国传统〔gambit〕A maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, especially one used at an initial stage.策略:尤指人在开始阶段所采用的计谋、策略、手法美国传统〔geologic time〕The period of time covering the physical formation and development of the earth, especially the period prior to human history.地质时期:地球物质形成和发展的时期,尤指人类历史前的时期美国传统〔height〕Stature, especially of the human body.身高:身长,尤指人类身体美国传统〔incarnate〕To give bodily, especially human, form to.使具人形:给予身体的形状,尤指人美国传统〔intention〕These nouns refer to what one intends to do or achieve.这些名词都指人想要做或达到的东西。美国传统〔midsection〕A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body.中部,中间部分:中间部分,尤指人体的上腹部美国传统〔mimesis〕The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.模仿:文学或艺术中对可感知世界的某些侧面的模仿或表现,尤指人类的行为美国传统〔modeling〕Visual shape and texture of something regarded aesthetically, especially the human face or form.造型:从审美的角度观察某事物的形状或质地,尤指人的脸或外形美国传统〔nutrition〕The science or study that deals with food and nourishment, especially in human beings.营养学:关于食物和营养,尤指人的食物和营养的科学或研究美国传统〔ornithosis〕Psittacosis, especially as contracted by human beings from birds.饲鸟病:鹦鹉热,特别是指人类从鸟类传染而得的一种病美国传统〔per cent〕It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain.常有报告指人只运用了大脑的 10%。牛津高阶〔platinum blond〕A very light silver-blond hair color, especially when artificially produced.淡金黄色:一种很亮的银色-淡黄色头发的颜色,尤指人工处理后的颜色美国传统〔point〕Don't point!别用手指人家!外研社新世纪〔point〕It's not polite to point at people.用手指人是不礼貌的。韦氏高阶〔point〕It's rude to point! 用手指人很不礼貌啊!牛津高阶〔profile〕A side view of an object or a structure, especially of the human head.侧面:从侧面观看的物体或构造,尤指人的脑袋美国传统〔quota〕The maximum number, especially of people, that may be admitted to a nation, a group, or an institution.限额:被招纳入一个国家、小组或机构所允许的最大数目,尤指人美国传统〔rattle〕A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.呼噜声:由于呼吸受阻而在喉中发出的短促尖利的声音,尤指人临死前发出的声音美国传统〔reason〕These nouns refer to the intellectual faculty by means of which human beings seek or attain knowledge or truth.这些名词都指人类通过追求或获取知识或真理的方式而得到的智力。美国传统〔refer〕The term ‘Arts’ usually refers to humanities and social sciences.*arts 一词通常指人文和社会科学。牛津高阶〔shoulder girdle〕The pectoral girdle, especially of a human being.胸带,尤指人类的美国传统〔silhouette〕A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color.黑色轮廓像:以同色绘出的某物的轮廓画,尤指人的侧面像美国传统〔speciesism〕Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species, especially as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals.特种歧视:人类对某些动物种的歧视或厌倦,尤指人类对各种动物种的苛刻和剥削压榨美国传统〔submaxilla〕The lower jaw or mandible, especially in human beings.下颌(骨):尤指人类之颌或颌骨的下半部分美国传统〔tarsus〕The bones making up this section, especially the seven small bones of the human ankle.踝:组成这一部位的骨头,尤指人类脚踝所包含的七块小骨美国传统〔true rib〕Any of the ribs that are attached to the sternum by a costal cartilage, especially any of the seven upper ribs on either side of the thorax in human beings.真肋:通过肋骨软骨部分与胸骨附结的肋骨,尤指人体胸部两边的七根上肋美国传统〔vista〕A distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening, as between rows of buildings or trees.深景:尤指人透过如两排建筑或树木之间空隙看到的远景或视觉感受美国传统〔voice〕The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human being.说话声,口声:脊椎动物用发音器官制造的声音,尤指人美国传统By internalization I mean ways in which people draw from their past and present experiences of the social world.所谓内在化,我是指人们利用过去和现在社会生活经历中汲取到知识的方法。剑桥国际Sponge is either artificial or it is the soft skeleton of a simple sea creature of the same name.海绵既指人造的,又指一种同名的海洋软体生物。剑桥国际

