
单词 咝咝
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLE〕I could hear the hissing sound of air escaping from the puncture. 我能听到轮胎的刺孔漏气的咝咝声。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly. 礼堂里闹哄哄的,三十个孩子有的在咝咝啦啦地拉着小提琴,有的在嘭嘭地打着鼓,有的在放声高歌。朗文写作活用〔background〕The signal was very clear, with no background hiss or distortion.信号非常清楚,背景中没有出现咝咝声或失真现象。牛津搭配〔back〕The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog.猫弓起身子,冲着狗咝咝地叫。牛津搭配〔clank〕The radiator hissed and clanked.散热器发出咝咝声和当啷声。韦氏高阶〔fizzle〕The fire fizzled miserably in the rain.火被雨浇得咝咝作响,快要灭了。剑桥高阶〔fizz〕Fireworks fizzed above the crowd.烟火咝咝作响,在人群上空展开。剑桥高阶〔fizz〕I could hear the champagne fizz as he poured it into my glass.当他把香槟倒进我的杯子时,我能听见咝咝冒泡的声音。剑桥高阶〔hiss〕An expression of disapproval, contempt, or dissatisfaction conveyed by use of this sharp, sibilant sound.嘘声:用这种尖锐的咝咝声表示反对,轻视或不满意的方式美国传统〔hiss〕Droplets of fat hissed in the flames.一滴滴动物油在火中发出咝咝的响声。外研社新世纪〔hiss〕She heard a faint hiss as the metal struck the water.金属碰到水时她听见轻微的咝咝声。朗文当代〔hiss〕The audience booed and hissed. The teakettle hissed on the stove.观众们发出嘘声和嘶声。茶壶在炉子上发出咝咝美国传统〔hiss〕The cat backed away, hissing.那只猫咝咝叫着退开了。朗文当代〔hiss〕The locomotive stood immobile, steam hissing out of its vents.火车头停在那儿一动不动, 蒸汽从排气管中咝咝地冒出来。外研社新世纪〔hiss〕The snake gave a hiss.蛇发出咝咝声。牛津搭配〔hiss〕The soft hiss of roasting meat could be heard clearly.可以清楚地听到烤肉时发出的轻微的咝咝声。外研社新世纪〔hiss〕There was a low hiss on the tape.录音带里有低微的咝咝声。牛津搭配〔hiss〕To utter with a sharp, sibilant sound.发出咝咝声表示,咝咝地说出美国传统〔hiss〕We could hear the faint hiss of escaping gas.我们能听到气体泄漏时发出的轻微咝咝声。牛津搭配〔hot〕Make sure the fat is sizzling hot.务必将脂油加热到咝咝作响。牛津搭配〔pop〕The wood sizzled and popped in the fire.木头在火中时而发出咝咝声,时而噼啪作响。朗文当代〔puff〕A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff.发出咝咝声:由呼气造成的短促的咝咝美国传统〔reminiscent〕There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee.有一股甜咝咝的气味,使人隐隐觉着像是咖啡。英汉大词典〔sibilate〕To utter or pronounce with a hissing sound.以咝咝声说或发音美国传统〔sizzler〕One that sizzles.咝咝发声的东西美国传统〔sizzle〕A hissing sound.咝咝的声响美国传统〔sizzle〕A snake is sizzling at us.一条毒蛇冲着我们发出咝咝的响声。21世纪英汉〔sizzle〕I heard the sizzle of frying bacon.我听到了煎咸肉的咝咝声。韦氏高阶〔sizzle〕The bacon began to sizzle in the pan.熏猪肉在平底锅里开始咝咝作响。朗文当代〔sizzle〕The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue.香肠和汉堡包在烤架上发出咝咝的声音。外研社新世纪〔sizzle〕The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue.香肠和牛肉饼在烤架上咝咝作响。柯林斯高阶〔sizzle〕The sausages are sizzling in the pan.香肠在平底锅里发出咝咝声。剑桥高阶〔sizzle〕To make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat.发出咝咝声:发出咝咝声响,近似于油煎脂肪时发出的声音美国传统〔sizz〕The kettle sizzes.水壶在咝咝发响。21世纪英汉〔snake〕Venomous snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.毒蛇在无法逃脱时会发出愤怒的呼呼咝咝的声音。牛津高阶〔spit〕Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.蛇陷入绝境时会发出咝咝呼呼的声音。牛津高阶〔spit〕The meat was spitting in the pan.肉在煎锅里咝咝响,油星四溅。韦氏高阶〔spit〕The wet wood hissed and spat in the fireplace.湿木在壁炉里咝咝作响,进溅着火星。韦氏高阶〔tooth〕Alan hissed from behind his clenched teeth.艾伦从咬紧的牙关后面发出咝咝声。牛津搭配〔vapour〕There was a hissing sound, and clouds of vapour were emitted.只听见咝咝的声音,接着一团团的蒸气冒了出来。牛津搭配

