
单词 reiffing
释义 I. reif Chiefly Sc.|riːf|
Forms: 1 réaf, réof, 3 ræf, reue, 5 ref, 5–6 reiff, 6 rieff, reife, reyf, raif, reafe, 7 reaf, 5– reif.
[Common W.Germ.: OE. réaf = OFris. râf, OS. -rôf (Du. roof), MLG. rôf (hence Sw. rof, Da. rov), OHG. roub, roup (G. raub):—OTeut. *rauƀom: see reave v. The precise relationship of the OE. word to reaf, garment, is not certain.]
1. That which is taken by force or robbery; spoil, plunder, booty. Obs.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Luke xi. 22 Alla woepeno his ᵹenimeð..& reafo [L. spolia] his todælde.c1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) cxviii. 162 Se þe beorna reaf maniᵹe [L. spolia multa] meteð.c1205Lay. 8612 [We scullen] ȝemen þes fehtes..& læten þa ræf liggen.1375Barbour Bruce v. 118 The King gert be departit then All haill the reif amang his men.a1557Diurn. Occurr. (Bannatyne Cl.) 12 The erle of Angus servandis maid ane prey and reif thairof.
2. The act or practice of robbery; spoliation; reavery. Obs. exc. arch.
a1250Owl & Night. 458 (Cotton), Ich fare hom & nime leue, Ne recche ich noȝt of winteres reue [Jesus MS. teone].c1400Apol. Loll. 12 For þe sacrilege þat þei do in reif of goodis.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 134 Injure or violence.., as ar thift, ref, or sik thingis.c1470Henry Wallace xi. 840 Throuch cowatice gud Alexander was lost; And Julius als, for all his reiff and bost.1500–20Dunbar Poems ix. 121, I synnit als in reif and in oppressioun, In wranguss gudis taking and posseding.1546Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 34 All maner of reiffis, spulȝeis, oppressionis, slauchteris, allegit to haue bene committit.1585Montgomerie Sonn. xiv. 14 Let richt, not reif, my pensioun bring agane.1644Articles Sc. Commiss. in Rushw. Hist. Coll. iii. (1692) I. 366 Whatsoever Thefts, Reifs, Hardships, Oppressions,..or Murther done or committed by them.1786Burns To James Smith i, The sleest, pawkie thief, That e'er attempted stealth or rief.1815Scott Guy M. iii, Saint Michael and his spear, Keep the house frae reif and wear.
b. of reif, esp. Sc. in fowl of reif, bird of prey or plunder. Obs.
c1400Apol. Loll. 104 Þei are maad desseyuable ypocritis, & lurkyng woluis of ref under a schepis flees.c1450Holland Howlat 656 Thus assemblit..All that war fowlis of reif.1457Sc. Acts Jas. II, c. 32 (1814) II. 51/2 Anentis rukis, crawys and vþer foulys of reif.
II. reif, reifar, -er, reiffing
obs. Sc. ff. reave v.1, reeve n.1, reaver, reaving.

