
单词 repugnance
释义 repugnance|rɪˈpʌgnəns|
Also 5–6 repung-.
[a. F. répugnance (13th c.), or L. repugnantia: see repugn v. and -ance.]
1. Contradiction, inconsistency; contradictory opposition or disagreement of ideas or statements. Also with a and pl.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. iv. (Skeat) l. 42 It is open at the ful, that without al maner repugnaunce god beforn wot al maner thinges ben don by free will.c1449Pecock Repr. v. ii. 489 So the same secte schulde be good and badde, leeful and vnleeful, which is repungnaunce.1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1123/2 He sheweth that it implieth repugnaunce, and that therefore God cannot do it.1568Grafton Chron. II. 211 The Copie [of the letter] that came to my hande seemed to conteyne diuerse repugnaunces.1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 147 These seuerall Answers..will reconcile all seeming repugnances of Scripture.1678Gale Crt. Gentiles iv. iii. 79 In the words of Hosea c. 8. 4. there appears a kind of repugnance.1755B. Martin Mag. Arts & Sc. i. iv. 17 You will observe..a palpable Absurdity and Repugnance in the one, and..a perfect Consistency and Agreement in the other.1824Mackintosh S. Amer. States Wks. 1846 III. 474 In it there is more than the usual repugnance between the title and the purport.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. I. i. App. 542 Care is taken in preparing the draft, in seeing that it is free from errors or repugnances.
2. Resistance or opposition offered to a thing or person. Obs.
14..in Tundale's Vis. (1843) 129 Nature withowtt any stryff Of repugnaunce or any recystence Gaff thys meyde a specyall prerogatyf.1430–40Lydg. Bochas xi. xxxi. (1554) 211 b, Christes martirs..List again tirauntes make no repugnance.1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 211 To make repungnaunce agayne that ye haue sayde.1547Homilies i. Charity i. (1859) 68 So went he unto his death without any repugnance or opening of his mouth to say any evil.
b. Opposition or contrariety between or of things. Obs.
c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 78 Þe kyndly comyth of repugnance of contrarious qualytez and contradiccioun.1538Starkey England i. iv. 108 Ther ys no repugnance betwyx your opynyon and myne in thys grete mater.1555Eden Decades 269 By the commixtion and repugnance of fyre, could, and brymstone greate stones are here throwne into the ayer.1654Z. Coke Logick Pref., Whereof..after long Exagitations and Repugnance of Affairs, we have gotten more then a (glad) glimpse.
c. Disagreement in feelings or tastes. Obs. rare.
1531Elyot Gov. ii. xi, Where is any repugnaunce, may be none amitie, sens frendshippe is an entier consent of willes and desires.
d. A mental struggle. Obs. rare—1.
1538Starkey England i. ii. 29 Ychone in hym selfe, when he doth nough[t], felyth a gruge in conscyence and repugnance in mynd.
3. Strong dislike, distaste, antipathy, or aversion (to or against a thing). Also pl.
1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. ii. §1, I feel not in myself those common antipathies..: those national repugnances do not touch me.1665Glanvill Def. Van. Dogm. p. v, I confess I addrest myself unwillingly and not without repugnance to the performance.1765H. Walpole Otranto v. 172 If I were sure Isabella would have no repugnance.1796Burney Mem. Metastasio I. 90 It is terrible that..he should have no repugnance to injuring numbers.1854Milman Lat. Chr. vi. iii. III. 76 A deep repugnance against ecclesiastical tyranny may have taken root within his heart.1874Green Short Hist. vii. §3. 370 No marked repugnance to the new worship was shown by the people at large.

