
单词 anoci-association
释义 anoci-association Surg.|əˈnəʊsɪ-|
[f. a- 14 + L. noc-ēre to hurt + -i- + association.]
Minimizing of operational shock by means of an anæsthetic routine introduced by the American surgeon G. W. Crile (1864–1943) in 1908.
1911G. W. Crile in Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. LVII. 1814/1 The operation was done..under..anesthesia..completely protecting the brain from all harmful associations—a state best designated by a new word, viz., anoci-association.1913Lancet 23 Aug. 557/1 Anoci-association involved the cutting out of all conditions inimical to brain areas.1961Brit. Med. Dict. 106/2 Anoci-association... The patient is kept free from fear by management and narcotics, remains in ignorance of the time of the operation, and is anaesthetized in such a way that no adaptive response is excited. The field of operation is completely blocked by local anaesthetics so that traumatic impulses do not reach the brain [etc.].

