
单词 allenarly
释义 allenarly, adv. north. dial. and Sc.|əˈlɛnəlɪ|
Forms: 4–7 allanerly(e, 6 alanerly, 6–7 allanerlie, 6–8 allenerly, 6– allenarly.
[f. all adv. + anerly singly.]
1. Solitarily, alone; only, solely, merely. (Still in Sc. law.)
1340Hampole Prose Tr. 4 Allanerly þay may ioye in Ihesu þat lufes hym in þis lyfe.1375Barbour Bruce v. 281 That he wald cum all-anerly For to spek with him priuely.1535Stewart Cron. Scotl. (1858) I. 216 Thus am I left allanerlie allone.1549Compl. Scotl. 3 Ȝour grace deseruis nocht to be callit ane nobil, alanerly throcht ȝour verteouse verkis.c1565R. Lindsay Hist. Scotl. (1728) 37 Ambitiousness cometh never of God, but allenarly of the devil.1687Royal Procl. in Lond. Gaz. mmccxxi/3 To accept of Our Indulgence allanerly, and none other.1711C. M. Lett. to Curat, 'Tis all the Child of his own Fancy allenerly.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xxxix. 308 On whilk..the gospel shineth allenarly, and leaveth the rest of the world in utter darkness.
2. adj., Only, sole.
1533Bellendene Livy (1822) I. 86 His empire..was under the governance of ane allanerly persoun.1587Holinshed Scot. Chron. (1806) II. 51 James our second and allanerlie son.

