
单词 motazilite
释义 motazilite, n. and a.|məʊˈtæzɪlaɪt|
Also 8 moatazalite, 9 motazelite, mutazalite.
[f. Arab. mu‭ﻋtazil seceder (active pple. of i‭ﻋtazala to secede, 8th conj. of ‭ﻋazala to go) + -ite.]
a. n. A member of a heretical Muslim sect, which denied predestination and the possibility of assigning definite attributes to the Deity.
b. adj. Of or pertaining to this sect.
1727–41Chambers Cycl., Moatazalites.1734G. Sale tr. Koran, Prel. Disc. viii. 158 Wasel..and his followers being thenceforth called Motazalites or Separatists.

