
单词 misdraw
释义 misˈdraw, v.
[mis-1 1.]
1. trans. To draw amiss. Obs.
Cf. OF. mestraire le merel (la merele), jouer mauvais jeu, éprouver un revers; un trait de merele, un coup de la fortune (Godefroy).
1390Gower Conf. I. 18 So that under the clerkes lawe Men sen the Merel al mysdrawe.1885Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. III. 427 There were also 40 diagrams..all misdrawn.
2. To entice, allure, mislead. Obs.
1382Wyclif Deut. xvii. 17 He shal not haue many wyues, that mysdrawen [Vulg. alliciant] the soule of hym.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 122 So they be in the latine, and not purposely written..to misdraw the multitude.
3. intr. To go astray. (Cf. draw v. 68.)
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 304/168 Þe luþere lucifer, þo he was is [sc. St. Michael's] felawe.., for-to he gan misdrawe.
Hence misˈdrawing ppl. a. (in quot. absol.); misˈdrawn ppl. a., badly or wrongly drawn (up).
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. xii. (1868) 104 Ȝif þere were a ȝok of mysdrawynges in diuerse parties [orig. detrectantium jugum].1867Bagehot Eng. Constitution 268 The practical arguments and the legal disquisitions in America are often like those of trustees carrying out a misdrawn will.

