
单词 kernicterus
释义 kernicterus Path.|kɜːˈnɪktərəs|
Formerly also kern-, Kernikterus.
[ad. G. kernikterus (G. Schmorl 1903, in Verhandl. d. Deut. Path. Ges. VI. 112), f. kern nucleus + ikterus icterus, jaundice.]
The staining of nuclei of the brain cells with bilirubin, which sometimes occurs, usu. associated with rhesus incompatibility, in neonatal jaundice, and which causes permanent brain damage; the disease or condition characterized by or associated with such staining.
1912Brain XXXIV. 488 An important analogy may be drawn from the occurrence of ‘Kernikterus’ in certain cases of familial icterus gravis neonatorum.1933Amer. Jrnl. Dis. Children XLV. 757 Opinion is almost unanimous on the subject of the pathogenesis of kernikterus, namely, that following some injury, the nerve cells are subsequently stained with the bile pigments carried to them by the blood stream.1950Jrnl. Laryngol. & Otol. LXIV. 505 Sixteen cases of perceptive deafness associated with kernicterus are reported. In fourteen of these cases the jaundice was due to Rh iso-immunization.1953Lancet 28 Mar. 613/1 Kernicterus is never found apart from jaundice.1965Amer. Jrnl. Path. XLVI. 336 Yellow ganglion and glial cells, characteristic features of human kernicterus, were demonstrated in 23 rabbits.
Hence kerˈnicteric a., afflicted or associated with kernicterus.
1956Jrnl. Speech & Hearing Disorders XXI. 407 (heading) Clinical pathologic aspects of kernicteric nuclear ‘deafness’.1967Jrnl. Neurochem. XIV. 192 The kernicteric animals are known to have pathologic lesions in the CNS comparable to those found in brain tissue of infants dying with kernicterus.

