
单词 piked
释义 I. piked, a.1|ˈpaɪkɪd, paɪkt|
Also 4–6 pyked, 5 pykyd, -id, 6 Sc. pykit, pikit: see also picked a.
[f. pike n.1 or v.2 + -ed.]
1. Furnished with a pike, spike, or sharp point; fashioned with a sharp point (or points); sharp-pointed; = picked a. 1.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 328 With piked staues grete, beten salle he be.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 769 A park al aboute, With a pyked palays, pyned ful þik.c1447in Jarrow & Wearm. (Surtees) 241 He and his fellows..wt lang pykid staves and lang dagers mad a asawtte to y⊇ said kepper.1513Douglas æneis vii. xiii. 62 Casting dartis or macis wyth pykyt heidis.1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 83 b, He put me as a piked Arrow, he hydde mee in hys quever.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. 298 The enemies ships armed with piked beake-heads.1670Milton Hist. Eng. ii. Wks. 1851 V. 70 The Batavians..running in upon them..with their piked Targets bearing them down.1695J. Edwards Perfect. Script. 211 Some of them [spears] were piked or pointed at both ends.1805Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 7 Perhaps the Hertfordshire wheel⁓plough, which has a piked share, may be the most suitable implement.1814Scott Ld. of Isles v. v, The good old priest..Took his piked staff and sandall'd shoon.
b. Of animals, plants, etc.: Furnished with a pike or sharp point, or with spines or prickles, as in piked dogfish; = picked a. 1 b.
1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. iv. (1626) 73 Inuiron'd with no marish-louing Reeds, Nor piked Bull-rushes.1875Trans. Devon Assoc. VII. 145 Piked Dog-fish.1896J. H. Campbell Wild Life Scot. 99 The piked dog-fish owes his common name to the pikes or spikes, standing up like detached rays, in front of the dorsal fins.
2. Tapering to a point or peak; pointed, peaked.
1538Elyot Lat. Dict. Addit. Gg vj b, Argutum caput, a sharpe or pikyd hedde lyke a sugar lofe.1565–73Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Compono, Aciem per cuneos componere, to set in pyked fronts.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. (1586) 45 b, When it [hay] is dryed, we..make it vp in Cockes, and after that in Moowes, which must be sharp and piked in the toppe.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 515 A little piked hill cast up.1615G. Sandys Trav. 42 Messapus for his high steepe piked rocks to be wondred at.1775R. Chandler Trav. Asia M. (1825) I. 11 The cape named Tænarum, now Matapan, which is the extremity of a mountain sloping to a point, having before it a piked rock.1800D. Lysons Environs London Suppl. 159 Sir Edward is represented in armour, with piked beard and whiskers.
b. piked horn, a tall conical headdress worn by ladies in the 14th and 15th c.; piked shoe, a shoe with a long peak at the toes, as was the fashion towards the end of the 14th c., and later; a crakow, poulaine; piked whale, the lesser rorqual, or pike headed whale, Balænoptera rostrata.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xx. 218 Proude prestes come with hym moo þan a thousand In paltokes and pyked shoes.a1450Myrc 43 Cuttede clothes and pyked schone.1580Stow Annals (1601) 471 Noble women vsed high attire on their heads, piked like hornes.1587Harrison England ii. i. (1877) i. 33 They went..with their shooes piked.1698J. Crull Muscovy 137 Their Boots..are piked towards the Toes.1747Vertue in Phil. Trans. XLIV. 575 Piked Shoes appear in several Reigns from Ed. III. to Rich. III. in England.1748H. Walpole Let. to G. Montagu 11 Aug., Anne of Bohemia..introduced the fashion of piked horns, or high heads.1787Hunter in Phil. Trans. LXXVII. 418 The Balæna rostrata of Fabricius or Piked Whale.1835–6Todd's Cycl. Anat. I. 577/2 The subclavian artery in the Piked Whale.1892C. R. B. Barrett Essex Highways, etc. 71 The curious headdress of piked-horns.
II. piked, a.2 Diving and Gymnastics.|paɪkt|
[f. pike n.11 or v.8]
In a pike position; with the body in a pike position.
1951Swimming (Eng. Schools Swimming Assoc.) v. 71 There are three recognized positions in which the body may be held during the execution of a dive... Piked. The body is bent forward at the hips, but the legs must remain straight at the knees with toes pointed.1956Kunzle & Thomas Freestanding iii. 34 If it is properly timed, the roll will finish in piked stand... Loose hamstrings are essential to allow sufficient pike at the hips.1964Trampolining (‘Know the Game’ Ser.) 11/1 Piked jumping. Keep trunk as erect as possible... Point toes and touch upper insteps.1974Rules of Game 36 Two or three running steps into forward piked salto, land on one leg.Ibid. 38 Swing forward over bar with legs piked.
III. piked
obs. variant of picked ppl. a.

