
单词 pliable
释义 pliable, a.|ˈplaɪəb(ə)l|
[a. F. pliable (15th c. in Godef.), f. plier to bend: see ply and -able.]
1. Easy to be bent or folded; flexible, supple, yielding; easily moulded or shaped, plastic.
1483Cath. Angl. 284/1 Plyabylle (A. Pliabylle), flexuosus, flexibilis.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cxlvii. 133 Lyke as the hamer makyth all metallys plyable, so Charlis made his foos or enmyes plyable to his hestis.1578Lyte Dodoens i. lv. 80 Round, tough, and pliable braunches.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. ii. 91 That earthen or pliable matter commonly called porcellan.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 105 To walke on ropes..requireth not only a broad foot, but a plyable flexure of joynts.c1790J. Imison Sch. Art I. 91 Two slender and pliable wires..are to be fastened.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. iii. 150/2 Leather..is soaked in water to make it pliable.
2. fig. Flexible in disposition or character; that is easily inclined, disposed, or influenced; ready to yield, docile; adaptable. Sometimes in sinister sense: cf. Pliable in Pilgrim's Progress.
1494[see 1].1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 144 b, That a soule be plyable to the inspiracyons of the holy goost.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 12 Very few of them do geue themselues pliable to learne of the word of God.1624Bedell Lett. vii. 109 The Scholler if he be of a plyable disposition,..yeelds himselfe to his Teacher.1720Ozell Vertot's Rom. Rep. II. xiv. 332 Agree with Antony; you'll find him more pliable since his Defeat.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. xv. (1862) 237 The members were far from being very pliable to his wishes.1863H. Cox Instit. i. v. 24 Pliable judges were previously chosen.1876M. Collins From Midnight to Midn. II. ii. 233 The girl's voice was remarkably clear and pliable.
3. [Aphetic for appliable.] Applicable, pertinent, agreeable, conformable. Obs.
1596Harington Metam. Ajax (1814) 36 A distichon that is very pliable to my purpose.a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 62 How pliable the Analogy of Water is to typifie the Spirit.1641Argts. agst. Bowing at Name of Jesus 14 This is most plyable to the meaning of the Canon.

