
单词 willsome
释义 I. wilsome, a.1 Obs. exc. Sc.|ˈwɪlsəm|
Forms: 4–5 wilsom, wylsom(e, -sum, 4–7 wilsome, -sum, 5 wyld-, wel(d)som(e, whylsum, 6 weilsum, wildsome, wolsome, volsum, (6–7 wilesome), 9 wullsome, wullsum.
[a. ON. villusamr erroneous, false (Sw. villsam perplexing, embarrassing, in MSw. also, gone astray, Da. vildsom perplexed, intricate), f. villr wild, will a. + -samr -some. Sometimes assimilated in spelling to wild.]
1. Chiefly of a way or path: Leading astray as through wild and desolate regions; hence, desert, lonely and wild; dreary. (A conventional epithet of ME. poetry.)
13..Evang. Nicod. 1604 in Herrig Archiv LIII. 421 Þai wend no wilsom way.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 689 Mony wylsum way he rode.a1400–50Wars Alex. 5565 A wilsom wast & a wild.1470–85Malory Arthur vii. xxii. 247 Lynet the damoysel that had ryden with hym many wylsome wayes.c1480Henryson Two Mice 143 Till hir hart straike mony wilsome stound.c1480Orpheus 128 To seke his wyf..our mony wilsum wane Wyth outyn gyde.1513Douglas æneis xi. xi. 26 He..socht onto the wilsum holtis hair.1562Winȝet Cert. Tractatis i. Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 9 In the wyldsum way of this daingerous lyfe.1578H. Wotton Courtlie Controv. 129 Nor wildsome wood or deserts.1584–7Greene Carde of Fancie Wks. (Grosart) IV. 139 The wildsome woods were his wished walkes.1632Lithgow Trav. vi. 294 We imbraced our wilsome and fastidious Way.1806R. Jamieson Pop. Ballads I. 244 He blew, till a' the wullsome waste Rebellowin' echoed round.
2. Erring, wandering, straying; bewildered, perplexed; doubtful, uncertain (of).
Phr. wilsome of wane = will a. 3 a.
c1350Will. Palerne 5394 Þus was þe kowherd out of kare kindeli holpen, He & his wilsum wif wel to liuen for euer.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 95 Hym self in þe mene tyme ful wilsom [orig. naviter oberrans] at þe Ile of Wight halowede Cristemasse.a1440Sir Eglam. 867 They namyd the chylde syr Degrabelle, That welsome was of wone [read wane].c1440York Myst. xxvii. 92 So wilsom wightis as we, Was neuere in worlde walkand in wede.c1440Promp. Parv. 528/2 Wylsome, or dowtefulle, dubius, fluctuans.c1450Holland Howlat 43 Wa is me, wretche in this warld, wilsome of wane!c1460Towneley Myst. xxvii. 204 Wilsom of hart, ye ar vnabyll, And outt of the right way.1500–20Dunbar Poems ix. 29 To hungre meit, nor drynk to thristy gaif,..Harbreit the wolsome, nor naikit cled att all.1513Douglas æneis iii. iii. 105 Wncertanlie we went Thre dais wilsum throu the mysty streme.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) III. 44 Werie forwrocht, and richt weilsum of wane.c1550Rolland Crt. Venus iii. 526 Wilsum of ane gude reid.1554Knox Let. in Answ. Jesuit Tyrie F iv b, God shall guyde the footesteppes of him that is wilsome.c1590J. Stewart Poems (S.T.S.) II. 35 Vandring as ane volsum vagabound.1614Lithgow Trav. L 2, If it had not been for a Christian Amaronite, who accidently encountred with vs, in our wilsum [1632, 190 wilesome] wandring, wee had beene miserably lost.1808Jamieson, Wilsum, in a wandering state, implying the ideas of dreariness, and of ignorance of one's course, S. pron. wullsum.
Hence ˈwilsomely adv.1, erringly, perversely; wanderingly, at random; ˈwilsomeness1, error, perverseness; doubt, uncertainty.
13..Evang. Nicod. 1365 in Herrig Archiv LIII. 417 Fro wayes of wilsomnes..he has þam taken.c1420Sir Amadace (Camden) xxxv, To somun alle tho, That wilsumly ar wente me fro.c1440Promp. Parv. 528/2 Wylsomenesse, or dowtefulnesse.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 17 As y wandered weldsomly in-to þe lawnd þat was so grene.
II. wilsome, willsome, a.2 Obs. exc. dial.
[? orig. a use of wilsome a.1, later associated with will n.1 There appears to be no connexion with OE. wilsum, wilsumlic ‘desiderabilis’, ‘voluntarius’, ‘devotus’, wilsumlíce ‘sponte’, ‘voluntarie’.]
Wilful, obstinate, stubborn.
13..Cursor M. 9633 (Gött.) It was his aun wilsum [Cott. wilful] sinne, Þat did vs all fra him to tuynne.c1440Promp. Parv. 528/2 Wylsome, or folwynge only hys owne wylle, effrenus.1590Cobler Canterb. 3 He was wide and wildsome in the brest.1818Todd, Wilsome, obstinate; stubborn. A forgotten old word, but as proper as humoursome, and the like.1826Hor. Smith Tor Hill I. 26 Within stone walls he is ever willsome and upon the fret.a1835Hogg Poems, Spirit of the Glen xxvii, Marjorie smiled a willsome smile.
Hence ˈwilsomely adv.2, wilfully; ˈwilsomeness2, wilfulness, frowardness.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxxi. 40 The wilsumnesse [Vulg. animositas] of drunkenhed.c1440Promp. Parv. 528/2 Wylsomenesse, or froward wylle, effrenitas, vel proprie voluntatis sequela.a1835Hogg Poems, Connel of Dee xvi, His sins were like crimson—all bent and uneven, The path he hed wilesomely trod.

