
单词 overthwart
释义 I. overthwart, adv. and prep. Now Obs. or rare exc. dial.|əʊvəˈθwɔːt|
Also 4 ouerthuert, 4–5 -thwert(e, -þwert(e, -twert, 4–6 Sc. ourthwort, 5 ouereþwart, ouerþewert, ouertwart, -twarde, overhwarte, orthward, (auerthwert, -thward, aurthwart, -thewert, awrthwert, awterwart), 5–6 ouerthward(e, -thart(e, Sc. ourthort, -thourth, ouerthort, ouirthort, 6 ortwharte, orewharte, 6–7 (9 dial.) overwhart(e, 8–9 dial. overwart, overquart.
[ME. f. over adv. + þwert adv., a. ON. þvert neuter of þverr = OE. þweorh cross, transverse: see thwart adv.]
A. adv.
1. Over from side to side, or so as to cross something; across, athwart; crosswise, transversely.
c1300Havelok 2822 And demden him to binden faste Vpon an asse..Andelong, nouht ouerthwert.1375Barbour Bruce viii. 172 Thre dykis ourthwort he schar Fra bath the mossis to the vay.c1400Mandeville ii. 10 The pece [of the Cross] that wente overthwart.c1489Caxton Sons of Aymon ix. 238 They.. layed hym vpon a lityll horse overhwarte like as a sacke of corne.1513Douglas æneis v. vi. 84 But kest hym evin ourthortour Salyus way.1600Holland Livy i. xiii. 10 Then the Sabine dames,..hauing thrust themselues violently overthwart betweene them, began to part these bloodie armies.1692tr. Sallust 168 The Yoke was two Spears fixed in the Ground, and a third fastened overthwart from one to the other, like a Gallows.1764Museum Rusticum III. lxxiv. 321 Third ploughing, ribbling it overwart.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia s.v., To plough overwhart is to plough at right angles to the former furrows.
b. overthwart and endlong: crosswise and lengthwise, in breadth and length, transversely and longitudinally; hence fig. wholly, completely.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 8582 Þe devels sal, ay, on þam gang To and fra, over-thewrt and endlang.1417Surtees Misc. (1888) 13 All the alde stuffe of lede that lay thare before, endelang and overthwart.c1460Towneley Myst. xii. 48 He saue you and me, ouertwhart and endlang.
2. fig. Adversely; wrongly, amiss, perversely; angrily, ‘crossly’. Obs.
13..Cursor M. 12084 (Cott.) A maister..Wit ioseph wordes spak ourthuert [Fairf. ouer-thwert].c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace 2318 Þat word tok he yuel til herte, He vnderstod hit al ouerþwerte.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 2104 And answerd the king ful ouertwert.1535Goodly Primer, Exp. Ps. li. (v. 18) With the wicked shalt thou play overthwart.1556J. Heywood Spider & F. xxxiii. 19 Run thei right: run thei ouertharte, Out wyll I powre them.
3. Over against something else, opposite. rare.
1596Spenser F.Q. iv. x. 51 And her before was seated overthwart Soft Silence, and submisse Obedience.
4. Here and there, all about. Sc. Obs.
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. iv. 211 S. Palladie Bischope, and vthires..ouirthort [L. sparsim] in his kingdome, he promouet thame to steddings and feildes.
B. prep.
1. From side to side of; so as to cross; across, athwart.
c1380Sir Ferumb. 3721 Ys body was tornd ouer-thwart þe way.c1391Chaucer Astrol. i. §5 Ouer-thwart this for-seide longe lyne, ther crosseth hym a-nother lyne.c1470Henry Wallace iv. 234 A loklate bar was drawyn our⁓thourth the dur.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. ii. (1895) 163 That table standeth ouer wharte the ouer ende of the halle.1610P. Barrough Meth. Physick i. xxxi. (1639) 51 Cause him to sit overthwart a stoole in riding fashion.1663Gerbier Counsel 43 Lay Bridges overtwhart the Joyses.1736Bailey Househ. Dict. 116 Cut it into collars overthwart both the sides.1892Morris Yorksh. Folk-talk s.v., He ran owerquart t' clooas.
2. Over against, opposite. Obs.
1588Parke tr. Mendoza's Hist. China 353 They..twentie leagues ouerthwart the port.a1592Greene Alphonsus i. Wks. (Rtldg.) 228/2 Dost thou know the man That doth so closely overthwart us stand?1630Wadsworth Pilgr. iii. 15 Disputing..in two pewes one ouerthwart the other.
3. On the opposite side of; across, beyond.
1784Cowper Task i. 169 Far beyond, and overthwart the stream..The sloping land recedes into the clouds.1854A. E. Baker Northampt. Gloss. s.v., He lives o'erwart the way.
II. overthwart, a. and n. Obs. exc. dial.|ˈəʊvəθwɔːt|
Forms: see prec.; also 5 authwart, awthwert, ouerqwert.
[f. prec.]
A. adj.
1. Placed or lying crosswise, or across something else; transverse, cross-.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1384, & þiker þrowen vmbe þour with ouer-þwert palle.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) ii. 6 Þai made þe ouerthwert pece of palme.c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 72 Suetonius..camm throughe an overthwarte waye to London as to a place of safetie.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 7 Nominatyd the ouerthwart muskles, in latin: musculi transuersi.1623T. Scot Highw. God 8 Two crosse or ouerthwart wayes.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 112 The transomes, or over-thwart stones [at Stonehenge], are quite plain.
b. Crossing the right line; oblique, slanting; wry, skew: cf. overthwartly 3. Obs.
1594Blundevil Exerc. iv. Introd. (1636) 435 There is another great stooping and overthwart Circle, called the Ecliptique line.
c. fig. Indirect: cf. overthwartly 4. Obs.
1545R. Ascham Toxoph. (Arb.) 88 You wyl haue some ouer⁓twhart reason to drawe forthe more communication withall.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini, Pol. Touchstone (1674) 283 [They] take impious and overthwart revenge of even those that would not be secure.
2. Situated or residing across or on the opposite side of something intervening; opposite. Obs.
1555Eden Decades 264 The soonne leaueth those regions, and goth by the contrarye or ouerthwarte circle towarde the south in wynter.1692Dryden Cleomenes v. ii, We whisper, for fear our o'erthwart neighbours should hear us cry, Liberty.
3. fig. Inclined to cross or oppose; perverse, froward, contrarious; contentious, captious, contradictious, quarrelsome, testy, ‘cross’; adverse, contrary, hostile, unfriendly, unfavourable.
c1325Poem Times Edw. II (Percy Soc.) lxxviii, When God Almyȝty seth The work is overthwart.1382Wyclif 2 Tim. iii. 4 Traitours, proterue, or ouerthwert, bollun with proude thouȝtis.c1400Destr. Troy 1960 He onswaret hym angerly with Awthwert wordis.c1530tr. Erasmus' Serm. Ch. Jesus (1901) 20 A..kynde of chyldren, which is cleane ouertwart.1595Daniel Civ. Wars i. xxvi, Of a Spirit averse and over-thwart.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. (1702) I. 64 That overthwart [ed. 1888 §174 thwartover] humour was enough discover'd to rule in the breasts of many.1868Atkinson Cleveland Gloss., Overquart, Overthwart,..perverse, contrary, contradictory or contentious.
B. n. [Absolute use of adj.] Obs.
1. A transverse or cross direction. In phrases at an overthwart, to overthwart: in a transverse direction, crosswise, across.
1470–85Malory Arthur vii. viii, At the last at an ouerthwart Beaumayns with his hors strake the grene knyghtes hors vpon the syde.Ibid. xvii, The reed knyghte..at an ouerthwart smote hym within the hand.1562Turner Herbal ii. 86 b, Phu..hath litle rootes growyng to ouerthwart.
b. A transverse passage, a by-way, a crossing; a transverse line.
1580Will in Gentl. Mag. Sept. (1861) 258, I leave my eldest sonn..also the newe overthwarte in the cittie of Corcke, and all the lands east of it to the Queenes walls.a1631Donne Poems, Anat. World 256 To finde out..Such diuers downe-right lines, such ouerthwarts, As disproportion that pure forme.
c. Opposite point.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 92 It cannot be meted by a streight line drawn from it to its overthwart.
2. An adverse experience; a ‘cross’, a rebuff.
a1547Surrey Praise of mean Estate 12 A hart well stayd, in ouerthwartes depe Hopeth amendes.1587Golding De Mornay xxvi. 406 The ouerthwartes that Abraham indured for Sara his wife in Aegypt.1609F. Grevil Alaham iii. iii, I feare the cariage: it hath many parts, And Hazards courses may finde ouerthwarts.
b. Contradiction; a rebuff; a repartee.
c1555Abp. Parker Ps. xxxiv. 86 Keepe ye hys tong from ouerthwart.1595Copley Wits, Fits, & F. 147 For these wittie ouerthwarts the Gent. entertain'd the boy into his seruice.
III. overthwart, v. Now rare.|əʊvəˈθwɔːt|
Also 5 -twert, 5–7 -whart, 6 -twhart, 8 -wart.
[f. prec. adv. or adj.]
1. a. trans. To pass or lie athwart or across; to traverse, cross.
1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 12072 At wyketys or wyndowys..Ouerthwertyd with no latys.c1430Reas. & Sens. (E.E.T.S.) 4786, I Gan to crosse dovne and dale And ouer twerten hille and vale.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 18 The one embrasynge, compassyng and ouerthwarting thother.1552Inv. Ch. Goods (Surtees, No. 97) 31 Two tunacles of whyt bustian..overthuarde withe read vorsted.1632Lithgow Trav. x. 504 Each Tide ouerthwarting another with repugnant courses.1832Tennyson Œnone 137 Her clear and barèd limbs O'erthwarted with the brazen-headed spear Upon her pearly shoulder leaning cold.
b. To lie across, or place something across, so as to stop the way; to obstruct.
1654tr. Martini's Conq. China 135 These places might have been easily defended if they had but.. overthawrted the ways by any incumbrances.1719D'Urfey Pills (1872) VI. 89 If the Seas should overthwart him, He would swim to the shore.
c. To plough across.
1764Museum Rusticum III. lxxiv. 320 Ploughing up the tare land,..Overwarting another clean earth.
2. fig.
a. To act in opposition to; to cross, oppose; to hinder, thwart. Also absol.
a1529Skelton Ware Hauke 230 He sayde, for a crokid intent The wordes were paruerted: And this he ouerthwarted.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. vii. xviii. §11. 292 They..endeuored to ouerthwart and gainsay whatsoeuer he proposed.a1640W. Fenner Sacrifice Faithfull ii. (1648) 62 Sinne may be said to be civilized, when it is overwharted by a higher principle.1937John o' London's 5 Feb. 761/2 My parents were for ever overthwarting me, both on 'em. Always to school I had to go till I was twelve, and to church I had to go regular as clockwork.
b. To render ‘overthwart’; to pervert. rare.
1430–40Lydg. Bochas ii. xxvii. (1554) 62 b, A wuluishe thyrst to shede mannes blood, Whych ouerwharted..His royal corage, into tyrannye.
Hence overˈthwarting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1552Huloet, Ouerthwartynge, peruicatia, pravitas.Ibid., Ouerthwartynge knaue, perperus.1616Rich Cabinet Z vj, All quarrelling, wrangling, and ouerthwarting must be auoided.1632Lithgow Trav. ix. 421 Their..heads are..couered with ouerthwarting strokes of crooked shables.1942W. Rose Good Neighbours iii. 20 A field was first evenly ploughed all over, after which cross ploughing—called over-a-thurting—often followed, severing the furrows and leaving the soil thoroughly exposed to the air.

