
单词 newness
释义 newness|ˈnjuːnɪs|
Forms: 1 néow-, níwnys, níownes, 4–6 newnes, 4, 6 neunes, 6 newenes(se, 7– newness.
[f. new a. + -ness.]
The state, fact, or quality of being new, in various applications of the adj.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. i. vii. (1890) 40 Mid þa neownysse swa moniᵹra heofonlicra wundra.c1000Saxon Leechd. II. 240 Þæt seo niownes þara metta mæᵹe him gode beon.a1300Cursor M. 26924 Quils þat neunes es in wonde es plaster nan mai mak it sond.a1340Hampole Psalter Prol. 4 To confourme men..til crist in newnes of lyf.1483Cath. Angl. 254/2 A Newnes, nouitas.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 211 [To] ryse from synne, and walke in a newnes of lyfe.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. ii. (Arb.) 156 Neyther oldnes nor newnesse of wordes maketh the greatest difference betwixt Salust and Tullie.a1613Overbury A Wife, etc. (1638) 251 She will desire him for newnesse and variety.1674Brevint Saul at Endor 240 Either to blind or to countenance the Newness of their Indulgences.1729Law Serious C. xxiii. (1732) 471 It will give you such a newness of mind.1796H. Hunter tr. St.-Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) II. 176 This reflection..evidently demonstrates the newness of the World.1813Shelley Q. Mab vi. 153 The babe, In the dim newness of its being.1876Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. ii. 243 The same startle of newness and beauty that pleased our youth.
b. With a and pl. rare.
1690Dryden Don Sebastian Pref., Some newnesses of English, translated from the Beauties of Modern Tongues.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) IV. 69 She became as it were a newness of ever-rising delight.1850Lynch Theoph. Trinal ix. 154 Many such marriages must there be before all the newnesses will be born that mankind requires.
c. the Newness, New England transcendentalism.
1865Lowell Thoreau Prose Wks. 1890 I. 363 There was a much nearer metaphysical relation..between Carlyle and the Apostles of the Newness, as they were called in New England, than has been commonly supposed.c1870R. Carter in Century Mag. (1889) Nov. 129 Next to Brook Farm, Concord was the chief resort of the disciples of the ‘Newness’.

