
单词 new-bear
释义 ˈnew-bear, a. dial.
Also 7, 9 new-bare, 9 -bay'd.
[ad. ON. *nýbær (MDa. and mod. Norw. nybær; Icel. nýbæra, -bæringr n.), f. ný- new + -bær (cf. ON. síð- and snemmbær), f. bera to bear.]
Of a cow: That has newly calved.
1615Markham Eng. Housew. 106 Those Kine are said to be deepest of milke, which are new bare; that is, which haue but lately calued.1856Thompson Hist. Boston 716. 1877 N.W. Linc. Gloss., New-bay'd-cow, a cow which has very recently had a calf.1886S.W. Linc. Gloss. s.v., ‘Two newbear cows, two rearing calves’; or ‘New-bare cow, two reared calves’.

