
单词 pencel
释义 I. pencel, pensel, -il Now only Hist. or arch.|ˈpɛnsəl|
Forms: 3 (7, 9 arch.) pensile, 4 pensal, -cele, -cell, 4–6 pencel, -celle, -selle, 4–7 -sell, 5 -salle, 6 -syll; Sc. pin-, pynsal; 6 (9 Hist.) pensall, 6–7 (9 arch.) pencil, pensel, -sil, 7 -cill, Sc. pinsell.
[a. AF. pencel (Du Cange), reduced from penoncel, pennoncel, dim. of penon, pennon. Intermediate forms are seen in the OF. dial. pannecel, pannechel, paignichel, pengneceal, penecheal, pencheal (Godef.), also in med.L. pennucellus, penicelius, pencellus (Du Cange), indicating a phonetic series penoncel, penocel, pene- or penicel, pencel. The spelling pensil found in some writers suggests a fancied connexion with pensile from L. pendēre, pensum to hang.]
A small pennon or streamer.
c1275Lay. 27183 Þe king heom sette vp on an hulle mid mony pensiles [c 1205 mid feole here-marken].13..K. Alis. 2688 Armed alle in gyse of Fraunce, With fair pencel and styf launce.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 169 In Philip nauie of France a pencelle þei put oute, His armes on a lance ouer alle þe schip aboute.1375Barbour Bruce xi. 193 Pensalis to the vynd vaffand.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 14391 With many a louely fair pensel Off gold, of Inde, of fair sandel.1513Douglas æneis iii. vi. 4 The south wyndis blast Our piggeis and our pinsalis wavit fast.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 1 b, The chariot was garnished with banners and Pencelles of tharmes of his dominions.a1575Diurn. Occurr. (Bann. Cl.) 158 Ane pensall quhairin wes contenit ane reid lyoun.1592W. Wyrley Armorie, Ld. Chandos 33 Banners, pensils, stremers, wauing bright.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. xviii. (Roxb.) 122/2 Six speares or pikes, garnished with penoncells or pencills disvelopped.1805Scott Last Minstr. xiv. xxvii, Pensils and pennons wide were flung.1830Fraser's Mag. I. 38 With pensiles fluttering in the breeze.1864J. B. Greenshields Ann. Lesmahagow 80 Agreeing to serve under his pensall or banner.
b. transf. A knight carrying a pennon. Obs.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccxxxvii. 339 All the Companyons, to the nombre of xii. hundred pensels, And they were right hardy and valyant knightes.Ibid. ccclxi. 586 The names of the baners and pensels that were with the erle.
c. A lady's token worn or carried by a knight.
c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 1043 She made hym were a pencel of here sleue.c1400Rowland & O. 1073 For þ⊇ lufe of his leman fayre of face A glofe to his pensalle he hase.1470–85Malory Arthur x. xlvii. 488 This damoysel..sent to hym a pensel, and prayd hym to fyghte with sire Corsabryn for her loue.
II. pencel, -ell
obs. forms of pencil.

