
单词 forwardness
释义 forwardness|ˈfɔːwədnɪs|
[see -ness.]
1. The state or condition of being forward; advancement towards completion or perfection.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xxviii. 41 Whan this croisy was in gret forwardnesse, for there was no spekyng but therof.1596Drayton Leg. i. 677 Whilst in so faire forwardnesse it was.1661Marvell Corr. xxiv. Wks. 1872–5 II. 59 That Bill, which is in good forwardnesse to be presented to the House.1711Lond. Gaz. No. 4836/1 Funds..which are hitherto in no forwardness of being compleat.1779Forrest Voy. N. Guinea 298 The arts are in no kind of forwardness here.1793Smeaton Edystone L. §129 Mr. Jessop had..got other things in forwardness that had been committed to his charge.1851Helps Comp. Solit. xii. 242 Till it [a work] is in some state of forwardness.
b. Furtherance, advancement. Obs.
1591Troub. Raigne K. John ii. (1611) 89 Thus fortune (Lords) acts to your forwardnesse.1742Richardson Pamela IV. 209 If you should [chuse to be divorced from me], I will give your Wishes all the Forwardness that I honourably can.
2. (Unusual) advancement towards maturity:
a. of a child;
b. of a crop, the season, etc.
1693Humours & Conv. Town 21 Parents..bring them to a bold Confidence..and this they miscall Wit, and hopeful forwardness.1709Steele Tatler No. 95 ⁋4 The Satisfaction the Father took in the Forwardness of his Son.1789Mrs. Piozzi Journ. France II. 376 The forwardness of the season.c1790Willock Voy. 99 Gardens..all in great forwardness.a1864Hawthorne Amer. Note-bks. (1879) II. 139 Our peas are in such forwardness.
3. The quality of being forward; readiness, promptness, eagerness, zeal. Also, proneness or inclination to.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 69 In my body and flesshe I fynde no good, ne forwardnes to perfeccyon.1555Eden Decades 58 A man of..apt forwardenes to attempte thynges.1611Bible 2 Cor. ix. 2, I know the forwardnesse of your mind.1631Gouge God's Arrows i. xlii. 68 Not by reason of any forwardnesse in him to anger.1696Southerne Oroonoko iv. ii, I speak..in my desire And forwardness to serve so great a man.1817–18Cobbett Resid. U.S. (1822) 84, I have observed in the American farmers..not the least backwardness, but great forwardness, to applaud and admire my mode of cultivating these crops.1852Grote Greece ii. lxxx. X. 480 The extreme forwardness with which these leaders exposed themselves.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 217 Forwardness to take office.
4. Over-readiness, presumptuous self-confidence; hence, lack of becoming modesty, boldness.
1600Shakes. A.Y.L. i. ii. 159 Since the youth will not be intreated His owne perill on his forwardnesse.1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 162 There is a fault in young Surgeons of forwardnesse in taking too much blood at Sea.1677Govt. Venice 145 It is indecency and too much forwardness in young Men to enquire into the Institution of their Laws, and demand Reasons for them.1705Addison Italy 45 In France it is usual to bring their Children into Company, and to cherish in 'em, from their Infancy, a kind of Forwardness and Assurance.1827Lytton Pelham xii, Nobody will call your civility forwardness and pushing.1875Mrs. Randolph W. Hyacinth I. 129 She snubs him in the..most remorseless manner..His forwardness is quite amazing.

