
单词 sousing
释义 I. sousing, vbl. n.1|ˈsaʊsɪŋ|
Also 6 sows(s)ing, 7 sowcing.
[f. souse v.1]
1. The action or process of pickling. Also attrib. in sousing-drink, sousing-tub. Now Obs. or dial.
1551–60Invent. Sir H. Parker in Hall Eliz. Soc. (1887) 150 A sowssing Tubb for brawne.1577Harrison Descr. Engl. 110/1 Changing the sowsing drincke least it should waxe soure.1601R. Yarington Two Lament. Trag. iii. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. IV, Chop of my head to make a Sowsing-tub.1611Cotgr., Solloüoir, a salting, or sowcing tub.1617J. Murrell Bk. Cookerie (title-p.), The most commendable fashion of Dressing, or Sowcing, either Flesh, Fish, or Fowle.
2. A drenching; a thorough wetting.
1697J. Lewis Mem. Dk. Glocester (1789) 57 Indeed it proved a good sousing, as he was handsomely wetted from the crown to his feet.1764Foote Mayor of G. ii. Wks. 1799 I. 186 After all his marchings, his sousings, his sweatings.1832Miss Mitford Village Ser. v. (1863) 499 The satisfactory conclusion of the sousing.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xxvii. (1856) 224 After..some uncomfortable sousings in the snow-dust.1887Pall Mall G. 12 July 13 This continual sousing..actually rots the hair and leads to baldness.
II. ˈsousing, vbl. n.2 rare.
[f. souse v.2]
The action of beating severely.
c1580[Jefferies] Bugbears ii. iv. 6 (Bond), With sowcynges, with rowsynges, with bownsynges, with trownsynges.1788Hist. of Schoolboy 46 Talboy declared it his firm intention to have bestowed upon him..an effectual sousing.
III. sousing, ppl. a.1|ˈsaʊsɪŋ|
Also 6 sowsing, 7 sowcing.
[f. souse v.1]
1. Of ears: Suitable for sousing; unusually large.
1567Turberv. Epit., etc. 14 b, Hee had a paire of sowsing eares to shilde him from the raine.1673Hickeringill Greg. F. Greyb. 302 A dismal monster,..sowcing great luggs and a mouth greater.
2. Drenching, soaking.
1596Drayton Legend Pierce Gaveston iv. Poems (1619) 353 By many a low Ebbe, many a lustie Tide, Many a smooth Calme, many a sowsing Showre.1648J. Beaumont Psyche xvii. cxxi, The gravid Vapor breaks..and pours the sousing weather Down through the gloomy air.1830Scott Jrnl. 7 July, I returned after two, with a sousing shower for companion.1876T. Hardy Ethelberta xliv. (1890) 353 The windy, sousing, thwacking..corner called St. Lucas' Leap.
b. Splashing in water.
1891T. Hardy Tess (1900) 55/2 They disappeared round the curve of the road, and only his sousing footsteps..told where they were.
3. Strong, vigorous, ‘powerful’. Now dial.
In later examples perh. from souse v.2
1735Bolingbroke On Parties 10 The arch Slyness of G—on, the dogmatical Dryness of H―e, or the soucing Prostitution of Sh—k.1764Foote Patron i. Wks. 1799 I. 335 A good sousing satire now, well powder'd with personal pepper.1780West's Guide Lakes (E.D.D.), A sousing blow.1876Robinson Mid.-Yks. Gloss. 132/1 A great sousing fellow.Ibid., A sousing lot.
IV. ˈsousing, ppl. a.2
[f. souse v.3]
1700Dryden Theodore & Hon. 318 They close their trembling Troop; and all attend On whom the sowsing Eagle will descend.

