
单词 influence
释义 I. influence, n.|ˈɪnfluːəns|
[a. F. influence (13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) emanation from the stars (also inflow of water; affluence) = Pr. and Sp. influencia, It. influenza, late or med.L. influentia f. L. influent-em, pr. pple. of influĕre to flow in. The astrological sense (corresp. to late L. influxus (stellarum) ‘astral influence’, 4th c. in Firmicus) was common in med.L.: cf. Pico di Mirandola adv. Astrologos iii. 5. Sense 4 was already established in Scholastic Lat.: Aquinas (c 1260) has influentia causæ (Prof. Bywater).]
1. The action or fact of flowing in; inflowing, inflow, influx: said of the action of water and other fluids, and of immaterial things conceived of as flowing in. Also concr. flowing matter. Obs.
1546Mem. Ripon (Surtees) III. 28 At suche tymes as the Inhabitantes of the sam town cannot com to the paroche church for the Influence of water when the water here is bigge.1577–87Harrison England in Holinshed's Chron. I. 77 The Towie..taketh in the influences of diverse waters in one chanell.1655E. Terry Voy. E. Ind. 98 In the..branches of those Trees they make incisions..under which they hang Pots..to preserve the influence which issues out of them in a large quantity in the night-season.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. iv. 158 The Phantasie..of Man, which is various, according to those various Temperaments that have ingredience and influence into him.1702Eng. Theophrast. 250 The sources of Conquests like those of great Rivers are generally obscure, until their streams increasing by the influence of others, make mighty inundations.
2. a. spec. in Astrol. The supposed flowing or streaming from the stars or heavens of an etherial fluid acting upon the character and destiny of men, and affecting sublunary things generally. In later times gradually viewed less literally, as an exercise of power or ‘virtue’, or of an occult force, and in late use chiefly a poetical or humorous reflex of earlier notions.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 569 (618) O, Influences of þise heuenes hye. Soth is þat vnder god ye ben oure hierdes.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvi. lxxv. (Tollem. MS.), Stones beþ diuerse in virtu and in kynde; also influence of heauen comeþ into þer place, and prenteþ þerin þe effectes þerof.c1430Lydg. Compl. Bl. Knt. 630 O goddesse immortall..do thy diligence, To let the streames of thine influence Descend down.1483Caxton Cato E v b, The synne whyche I haue doon ageynst myn owne wylle and by the influence of the planette on whiche I am borne.1490Eneydos xxiv. 89 The sterres..by their coniunctions and moeuynge and influences celestyalle, that sygnyfye and denounce the dysposycion secret of the deuine prouydence.1555Eden Decades 94 In the nyght, the mone and other coulde planettes: but in the daye the soone and other hotte planettes doo chiefely exercise theyr influence.1560Bible (Genev.) Job xxxviii. 31 Canst thou restraine [1611 bind] the sweete influences [R.V. the cluster] of the Pleiades? [Coverd. Hast thou brought ye vij starres together?]1590Spenser F.Q. i. viii. 42 What euill starre On you hath frownd, and pourd his influence bad?1602Shakes. Ham. i. i. 119. 1610Temp. i. ii. 182. 1625 Bacon Ess., Envy (Arb.) 511 The Astrologers call the euill Influences of the Starrs, Euill Aspects.1658Earl of Monmouth tr. Paruta's Wars of Cyprus 199 This maligne influence of the Heavens.1667Milton P.L. vii. 375 The Pleiades before him danc'd, Shedding sweet influence.1704Steele Lying Lover ii. (1747) 40 The Sun to me shed Influence in vain.1752Burke Corr. (1844) I. 27 They say the sun sends down much the same influences whenever he comes into the same signs.1813Shelley Q. Mab i. 114 Stars! Your balmiest influence shed!1887Ruskin Præterita II. xi. 391 One of the leaden influences on me of the planet Saturn.
b. transf. The exercise of personal power by human beings, figured as something of the same nature as astral influence. Now only poet.
1439Lydg. Lyfe St. Albon (1534) A ij, I stande in hope his influence shall shyne My tremblyng penne by grace to enlumyne.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. v. (Percy Soc.) 23, I set my mynde wyth percyng influence To lerne her scyence, the fyrst famous arte.1591Shakes. Two Gent. iii. i. 183 If I be not by her faire influence Foster'd, illumin'd, cherish'd, kept aliue.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) Ep. Ded. ⁋iij, To eclipse your Gracious aspect and influence unto our Church and State.1632Milton L'Allegro 122 Store of ladies, whose bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize.1673Grew Anat. Roots Ded., The Vintage of the whole, will depend much upon the continued Influence of your Beams.1805Coleridge Sibyl. Leaves II. 226 The truly great Have all one age, and from one visible space Shed influence.
c. Disposition, nature, or temperament, as held to be the result of astral influence. Obs.
14..Songs Costume (Percy Soc.) 53 Charbonclys..Shewe in darknesse lyght..By ther natural heuenly influence.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 60, Germans and Bohemians, nations by influence heavie, slowe.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lvi. (1739) 102 And yet..they were not always of such sad influence, but had their lucida intervalla.1663Gerbier Counsel C v b, Neither is it naturall to all those, which are born under one Constellation, to have like Influences.
3. The inflowing, immission, or infusion (into a person or thing) of any kind of divine, spiritual, moral, immaterial, or secret power or principle; that which thus flows in or is infused. Obs. (Passing into 4 or 5.)
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 16 Wateris..Oute of wellis of oure Saviour, Wiche have vertu to curen alle langueres, Be influence of her grete swettness.1494Fabyan Chron. ii. xxxi. 24 They thought yt Juno that Goddesse, had by her influence, gyuen that grace vnto y⊇ Ganders.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 387/1, I think that god gaue an influence of his power into that plaster, wherby he cured hys yien.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lvi. §5 God hath his influence into the very essence of all things..All things are therefore partakers of God, they are his offspring, his influence is in them.1611Bible Wisd. vii. 25 She is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty.1623T. Ailesbury Serm. (1624) 1 The vnknowne God, whose influence to all his Creatures was made knowne by the Poet.1667Milton P.L. v. 695 So spake the false Arch-Angel, and infus'd Bad influence into th' unwarie brest Of his Associate.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. v. 111 An eternal Creation of them by Almighty God, and an unintermitted Influence from him to support them.
4. a. The exertion of action of which the operation is unseen or insensible (or perceptible only in its effects), by one person or thing upon another; the action thus exercised. Orig. const. into (cf. 3); now on, upon, in. undue influence: see undue.
physical influence (mod.L. influxus physicus), the direct action of matter upon mind, and mind upon matter, as a doctrine of metaphysics: see quot. 1836–7.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 869 A gibing spirit, Whose influence is begot of that loose grace, Which shallow laughing hearers giue to fooles.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xxiii. §3 The Wisdom of conversation..hath..an influence also into business and government.1628T. Spencer Logick 36 A Physicall operation is a reall influence into the effect.1646J. Hall Horæ Vac. 177 Examples of Great ones..have..a great influence on manners.1672Temple Ess., Orig. & Nat. Govt. Misc. (1681) 45 The Nature of Man seems to be..varied..by the force and influence of the several climates where they are born and bred.1680H. Dodwell Two Lett. Advice (1691) 166 The main design of those Sciences, and their influence in Divinity.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 172 The reason..why the magnetic influence directs to the poles.1751Johnson Rambler No. 141 ⁋3 Before they had much influence on my thoughts.1833N. Arnott Physics (ed. 5) II. 125 Heat has powerful influence also on animated nature, both vegetable and animal.1836–7Sir W. Hamilton Lect. Metaph. xvi. (1859) I. 306 The fourth hypothesis is that of Physical Influence (Influxus Physicus). On this doctrine, external objects affect our senses, and the organic motion they determine is communicated to the brain. The brain acts upon the soul, and the soul has an idea,—a perception.1845McCulloch Taxation i. ii. (1852) 85 The land tax would..have comparatively little influence in preventing or retarding improvements.1863H. Cox Instit. i. viii. 116 The offence of undue influence..includes the use of force, or threatening any damage or loss, or practising any intimidation against a voter.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. xiii. (1877) 237 The Ephesian crowd that shouted ‘Great is Diana of the Ephesians’, was under the influence of a religious zeal.1879Lubbock Sci. Lect. ii. 31 Neither plants nor insects would be what they are, but for the influence which each has exercised on the other.
b. Bearing, relation. (Const. into.) Obs.
1672Evelyn Corr. 17 Sept., I would..be glad to know, what light your Lordship can give me out of the letters and dispatches of my Lord Holles, Mr. Coventrie, and Sir Gilbert Talbot, which have all of them an influence into that affaire.
c. under the influence: affected by alcoholic liquor; intoxicated, drunk.
[1866Mayne Reid Headless Horseman xix. 110 If not absolutely intoxicated, it could be seen that the ex-officer of volunteers was under the influence of drink.]1879‘Mark Twain’ Lett. (1917) I. 367 Nobody got in the least degree ‘under the influence’, and we had a pleasant time.1922Joyce Ulysses 297 Lowest blackguard in Dublin when he's under the influence.1925Wodehouse Carry on, Jeeves! vii. 159 Boat-Race Night. Then, if ever, you will see Bertram under the influence.1940L. A. G. Strong Sun on Water 77 If a man under the influence tries to give you too much, sure, you slip it back into his pocket when he isn't looking.1960H. & M. Williams Double Yolk in Plays of Year XXI. 47 The police sergeant..asked if I'd been drinking... I'd had a drink—and then he said I must go to the station with him, as he'd have to charge me with driving under the influence.
5. The capacity or faculty of producing effects by insensible or invisible means, without the employment of material force, or the exercise of formal authority; ascendancy of a person or social group; moral power over or with a person; ascendancy, sway, control, or authority, not formally or overtly expressed.
1652Heylin Cosmogr. iv. 113 It is probable..that those of New England..were of like influence also amongst the Natives.1769Robertson Chas. V, vi. Wks. 1826 IV. 117 The vast influence which the order of Jesuits acquired.1771Junius Lett. xlv. 243 The influence of the crown naturally makes a septennial parliament dependent.1775Johnson Journ. West. Isl., Ostig 202 The laird..cannot extend his personal influence to all his tenants.1786Burke Art. Hastings Wks. 1842 II. 140 Engaging..that no British influence shall be employed within his dominions.1814Jane Austen Mansf. Park xiii. (1846) 90 She has no influence with..my sisters that could be of any use.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. III. lxxxviii. 177 This position gave him a vast amount of ‘influence’ which he continued to use for his own advantage.1898Lugard in Daily News 7 Mar. 7/2 When the partition of Africa began in and subsequent to 1885, the hitherto unknown principle of spheres of influence was introduced into international custom in order to avoid dangerous complications between European nations.Mod. He owed his position to influence, not to merit. Have you any influence with any of the electors?
6. A thing (or person) that exercises action or power of a non-material or unexpressed kind.
1736Butler Anal. ii. vii. Wks. 1874 I. 260 These prejudices..are to be considered as influences of a like kind to enthusiasm.1873Hamerton Intell. Life i. iv. (1876) 23 Musical studies, the most powerful of softening influences.1888W. D. Lighthall Yng. Seigneur 9 He was an influence in the Dominion Legislature.
7. Electr. = induction 10.
[1767Priestley Hist. Electricity 247 The electric fluid, when there is a redundancy of it in any body, repels the electric fluid in any other body, when they are brought within the sphere of each other's influence.]1870Tyndall Lect. Electr. 14 This forcible separation of the two fluids of a neutral conductor, by the mere proximity of an electrified body, is called electric induction. Bodies in this state are also said to be electrified by influence.1883E. Atkinson tr. Mascart & Joubert's Electr. & Magn. §301 I. 289 This is magnetisation by influence, or induced magnetisation.
8. attrib. and Comb., as influence-rich adj.; influence line Engin., a graph showing how the resultant moment, stress, or other quantity at a given point of a structure varies with the position of the applied (constant) load producing it; influence machine (Electr.), an induction-machine; influence pedlar (or peddler) U.S. (see quot. 1968); hence influence peddling.
1902Encycl. Brit. XXVI. 377/1 In dealing with the action of travelling loads much assistance may be obtained by using a line termed an influence line. Such a line has for abscissa the distance of a load from one end of a girder, and for ordinate the bending moment or shear at any given section, or on any member, due to that load.1936Pippard & Baker Analysis Engin. Struct. xiv. 319 We shall consider the truss shown in Fig. 14.18 and find the influence line for the force in a diagonal bracing member as a load rolls along the bottom chord.1972R. C. Coates et al. Structural Analysis ii. 51 A bending moment diagram (shear force diagram) shows graphically the value of the bending moment (shear force) at all sections of a beam under a force whose position is fixed; an influence line for bending moment (shear force) shows graphically the value of the bending moment (shear force) at a single section for all possible positions of a movable force.
1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 286 An instantaneous photograph, taken..by a spark from a Holtz or other influence machine.1890Pall Mall G. 16 July 3/1 Mr. Wimshurst, the inventor of the influence machine.
1949N.Y. Times 14 Aug. E7/5 The Investigations subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments which is inquiring into the activities of the ‘five percenters’ and the ‘influence peddlers’ has discovered that selling influence may be unethical, but it is not always illegal.1968W. Safire New Lang. Politics 204/2 Influence pedlar, one who has, or claims to have, the contacts and ‘pull’ supposedly necessary to get government contracts and favors from public officials, for a fee.1971Wall St. Jrnl. 20 July W1/3 The acknowledged dealer in stolen securities said part of the {pstlg}100,000 he paid went to Nathan Voloshen, a convicted Washington influence peddler.1972N.Y. Times 22 Sept. 43 In 1956 a Senate investigation showed that Mr. Chotiner was engaged in influence peddling.
1850Tennyson In Mem. lxxx, Influence-rich to soothe and save.
II. influence, v.|ˈɪnfluːəns|
[f. prec. Cf. mod.F. influencer (1792 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. trans. To exert influence upon, to affect by influence.
a. To affect the mind or action of; to move or induce by influence; sometimes esp. to move by improper or undue influence. (Often with advb. extension, defining the nature or object of the influence.)
1658Cromwell Sp. 25 Jan. in Carlyle, He [the Pope] influences all the Powers, all the Princes of Europe to this very thing.1676Newton in Rigaud Corr. Sci. Men (1841) II. 385 As if I influenced the press in what concerns Mr. Linus and me.1712Addison Spect. No. 357 ⁋9 The Representation..is wonderfully contriv'd to influence the Reader with Pity and Compassion.1816A. C. Hutchison Pract. Obs. Surg. (1826) 310 The very little prospect..of any termination to hostilities..certainly influenced the men to desert in greater numbers.1853J. H. Newman Hist. Sk. (1876) II. ii. ii. 250 In his political course he was more or less influenced by a sense of duty.1856Sir B. Brodie Psychol. Inq. I. iii. 94 As the brain may influence the mind, so may the mind influence the brain.1883Froude Short Stud. IV. i. iv. 51 Could he see the pope in person, he thought that he could influence him.1883C. J. Wills Mod. Persia 180 In the opinion of judges, whose fiat is possibly influenced.1891E. W. Bemis in Chautauquan 605 (Funk) Expenditures to ‘influence’ city council.
b. To affect the condition of, to have an effect on.
1661Glanvill Van. Dogm. xiii. 125 The Senses, Phancy, and what we call Reason it self, being thus influenc'd by the Bodies temperament, and little better then indications of it.1704Newton Optics (J.), These experiments..are not influenced by the weight or pressure of the atmosphere.a1715Burnet Own Time (1823) I. 448 This natural heat is influenced by frequent excesses in drinking.1768Sterne Sent. Journ. (1775) I. 6 (The Monk i.), The same causes..which influence the tides themselves.1832G. R. Porter Porcelain & Gl. xii. 267 The specific gravity of glass is influenced by the degree of heat to which it has been exposed during its vitrification.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. Introd. (1862) 20 The Sovereign can influence the conduct of public affairs.1860Tyndall Glac. i. ii. 12 Being less influenced by the atmospheric resistance.
2. intr. To exert influence; to work influentially on, upon a person or thing (obs.). Now only as an absol. use of 1 a.
1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 34 A thing that..infects the whole life, and influences upon most actions.1675Sharp Wks. (1754) I. ii. 41 It [religion] influenceth upon us, in order to the making us more useful.1755J. Shebbeare Lydia (1769) II. 83 So little did the virtues of his mother..influence on his mind and behaviour.1756Foote Eng. fr. Paris ii. Wks. 1799 I. 118 Canst thou..suppose thy frippery dress..could influence beyond the borders of a brothel?1897Daily News 21 June 2/7 The Queen no longer rules; but she influences.
3. trans. To cause to flow in; to infuse, inspire, instil. Obs.
1691tr. Emilianne's Observ. 317 The Clergy..in Revenge influence a double Corruption upon the Seculars.1701in N. Jersey Archives (1881) II. 378 The long Experience..had of the Justice and Veracity of Coll. Hamilton, ought to have influenced a Beliefe of what he related to Us.1705in W. S. Perry Hist. Coll. Amer. Col. Ch. I. 105, I cannot but be ashamed..that the Gospel should have influenced no better principles into your hearts.
Hence ˈinfluenced, ˈinfluencing ppl. adjs.
1709Mrs. D. Manley Secret Mem. (1736) IV. 244 His Almighty influencing Spirit.1718Prior Power 667 By whose kind power and influencing care The various creatures move, and live, and are.1818Cobbett Pol. Reg. XXXIII. 99 To shew what a set of influenced and insignificant things now have the power to ruin and enslave us.1850Daubeny Atom. The. ix. (ed. 2) 310 An ample margin seems to be still left for other influencing causes.

