
单词 insculpture
释义 I. inˈsculpture, n. ? Obs.
[a. obs. F. insculpture (15–16th c. in Godef.), ad. L. type *insculptūra, f. insculpĕre: see -ure.]
A figure or inscription carved or sculptured upon something.
1607Shakes. Timon v. iv. 67 On his Grauestone, this Insculpture which With wax I brought away.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iv. iv. 185 At first (saith he) it was both free and usuall to weare rings on either hand; but..when pretious gems and rich insculptures were added, the custome of wearing them on the right hand was translated unto the left.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 224 To make up a more gracefull insculpture upon the external Cortex of a Vision.
II. inˈsculpture, v.
Also en-.
[f. in-2 = en- + sculpture.]
trans. To carve or sculpture upon something. Hence inˈsculptured ppl. a.
1787Glover Athenaid vii. (R.), He surveys, Insculptur'd round, the horrours which befel The house of Laius.1831Wordsw. Yarrow revisited, etc. Apol. 9 Those Shapes distinct That yet survive ensculptured on the walls.1834Fraser's Mag. X. 23 The obelisk of the desert, with its insculptured riddles.1855Bailey Mystic 6 The myth-insculptured language of the light.

