
单词 drowh
释义 I. drow, v. Now only s.w. dial.|draʊ|
[Aphetic f. adrough, adrow, OE. adrúᵹian. Cf. drought.]
trans. To dry up. In quot. 1393, fig.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xv. 22 Connynge and vnkynde rychesse..Droweþ vp dowel and distruyeþ dobest.c1430Two Cookery-bks. 38 Drow hem wyl in þe Sonne, þat þey ben drye.1746Exmoor Scolding Vocab., To Drou, to dry.1888W. Somerset Wd.-bk., Drow, to dry. (Always.)
II. drow, n.1 Sc.|draʊ|
[perh. f. ppl. stem drow- of dree v. to endure, suffer, undergo, which is phonologically suitable.]
A fit of illness; a fainting fit; a qualm.
1727Walker Remark Pass. Life A. Peden 63 (Jam.) There was a drow of anxiety overwhelmed her about him.1808–18Jamieson, Drow, a fainting fit. Angus.1819W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 175 Down he tummlet in a drow.1883W. Jolly Life J. Duncan xxxv. 409 Inquiring..how he felt after his drow.
III. drow, n.2 Sc.
‘A cold mist approaching to rain; a drizzling shower.’ (Jam.)
a1614J. Melvill MS. Mem. 115 (Jam.) Comes off the hills of Lammermoor edge a great mist with a tempestuous showre and drow..It pleased God..to drive away the showre and calm the drow, so that it fell down dead calm.1818Scott Rob Roy xxii, A sort o' drow in the air.
IV. drow
obs. pa. tense of dree; s.w. dial. f. throw.
V. drow, drowgh, drowȝ, drowh
obs. pa. tense of draw v.

