
单词 rune
释义 I. rune, n.1 Obs.
Forms: 1, 4 ryne, rene, 2 rine, 3 rune.
[OE. ryne, rene, = OFris. rene, f. run- the weak grade of the stem rin- run v.]
1. Course, onward movement, esp. of the heavenly bodies; running (of persons).
c825Vesp. Hymns xi. 13 Deᵹred ryne forðweᵹeð [L. Aurora cursus provehit].c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxi, Hie..bioð ᵹehwerfde eft to þam ilcan ryne þe hie ær urnon.c1000ælfric Saint's Lives iv. 352 Þæt ic moste þone ryne mines lifes werlice ᵹeendian.c1055Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia VIII. 305 æfter sunnan ryne & æfter þæs monan ryne.a1225St. Marher. 9 Þe sunne reccheð hire rune euch buten reste.a1225Ancr. R. 74 Þer is mest neod hold hwon þe tunge is o rune, & ivollen on to eornen.a1250Owl & Night. 1156 Oþer þu bodest huses brune Oþer ferde of manne oþer þeues rune.c1330Arth. & Merl. 8386 On Arundels wal þai gun lene, A kniȝt com arnand wiþ gret rene.
2. A flow of blood.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Luke viii. 44 Ða æt-stod sona þæs blodes ryne [c 1160 Hatton Gosp. þas blodes rine].c1225Leg. Kath. 1398 Ȝe schulen..beteh alle þe bruchen þet ȝe ibroken habbeð in ower blodes rune.a1240Lofsong in O.E. Hom. I. 207 Ich bide þe..bi his blodi Rune þet ron inne monie studen.
3. A watercourse. Cf. reen and rhine1.
c1330Florice & Bl. (1857) 307 Thilke that beth maidenes clene Thai mai hem wassche of the rene.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Rune, a Water-course, so call'd in the Marshes of Somerset-shire.
II. rune, n.2|ruːn|
[In origin the same word as roun, mystery, etc., but in sense 1 adopted in the 17th cent. (through Danish writers on Northern antiquities) from ON. and Icel. rún, pl. rúnar, later rúnir (Da. rune, pl. runer; Sw. runa, pl. runor). Hence also G. and Du. rune, pl. runen, F. rune, pl. runes, etc. In sense 2 the immediate source is the Finnish runo, itself an adoption of the ON. word.]
1. A letter or character of the earliest Teutonic alphabet, which was most extensively used (in various forms) by the Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons. Also, a similar character or mark having mysterious or magical powers attributed to it; applied to a letter or character of a non-Germanic alphabet (esp. in fictional writings) having a resemblance to the Germanic runes.
The original runic alphabet dates from at least the second or third century, and was formed by modifying the letters of the Roman or Greek alphabet so as to facilitate cutting them upon wood or stone.
[1685W. Nicolson in Phil. Trans. XV. 1293 We are sufficiently assured, that the Heathen Saxons did also make use of these Runæ.1686see rimestock.]1690Temple Ess., Poetry 37 Runes, was properly the Name of the antient Gothick Letters or Characters.1705Phil. Trans. XXV. 2058 He thinks it remarkable, that Magog is there mention'd Inventer of the Runes.1770Percy Mallet's Northern Antiq. I. 375 The noxious, or as they called them, the bitter runes, were employed to bring various evils on their enemies.1848Lytton Harold i. i, Her pale hand seemed tracing letters, like runes, in the air.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) I. 4 Intelligible inscriptions engraven in Anglo Saxon Runes.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. ii. 238 The inscriptions on the sculptured or Memorial Stones..include..the Ogham or Celtic Runes.1883I. Taylor Alphabet 201 An adaptation or survival of the ‘Slavonic Runes’, the existence of which is however entirely hypothetical.1883Morfill Slavonic Lit. i. 23 The view that the Slavs had runes is based upon a passage in the writings of the Monk Khrabr.1937J. R. R. Tolkien Hobbit i. 30 Look at the map..and you will see there the runes in red.1948D. Diringer Alphabet ii. v. 314 The monumental inscriptions are written in a runic character, termed Kök Turki runes.1954J. R. R. Tolkien Fellowship of Ring v. 339 They were written by many different hands, in runes, both of Moria and of Dale, and here and there in Elvish script.1958Everyman's Encycl. (ed. 4) IX. 461/1 Orkhon Inscriptions (also known as Siberian, Early Turki, Pre-Islamic Turki or Kök Turki Runes) are the earliest epigraphical monuments written in Turki.1961M. Savill tr. E. Doblhoffer's Voices in Stone ix. 289 Babinger sent a photograph..to the decipherer of the Old Turkish runes, Vilhelm Thomsen.1968U. K. Le Guin Wizard of Earthsea iv. 67 He studied the Further Runes and the Runes of Éa, which are used in the Great Spells.a1973J. R. R. Tolkien Silmarillion (1977) 322 Cirth, the Runes, first devised by Daeron of Doriath.
a. An incantation or charm denoted by magic signs. Obs.
1796Morse Amer. Geogr. II. 35 [The Laplanders] have neither writing or letters,..but a number of hieroglyphics which they make use of in their Rounes.
b. A Finnish poem, or division of a poem, esp. one of the separate songs of the Kalevala. Also incorrectly applied to old Scandinavian poems.
1854Latham Native Races Russian Emp. 73 There is Heathenism, and plenty of it, in the Fin poems—the Runes, as they are called.1863Longfellow Wayside Inn i. Interlude iv, Fragments of old Norwegian tunes That bound in one the separate runes.Ibid., K. Olaf iv. vii, One was singing the ancient rune Of Brynhilda's love.1879Encycl. Brit. IX. 220/1 He [Lönnrot] was successful in collecting 12,000 lines. These he arranged as methodically as he could into thirty-two runes or cantos.
c. transf. Any song, poem, or verse; spec. a cryptic or magic verse, an incantation; a lament.
1847Emerson Poems, Woodnotes 11 But the runes that I rehearse Understand the universe.1860C. Sangster Hesperus 128 My heart would sit and sing Shrillest runes of wintry cold.1870D. G. Rossetti I saw Sibyl at Cumæ in Coll. Wks. (1886) I. vi. 378 ‘I saw the Sibyl at Cumæ’ (One said)... ‘She hung in a cage, and read her rune.’1889F. A. Knight By Leafy Ways 9 The light-hearted and irrepressible starling.. crooning his own quaint runes.1900A. Carmichael Carmina Gadelica I. p. xx, The wife knew many secular runes, sacred hymns, and fairy songs.1908Somerville & ‘Ross’ Further Experiences Irish R.M. viii. 211 She chanted..words in measured cadence... By the time this rune had been repeated three times she was in the hall.1922Joyce Ulysses 203 There he keened a wailing rune.—Pogue mahone! Acushla machree!1936W. Holtby South Riding i. i. 20 Curses could be lifted by spells. Midge was always trying them, inventing her own runes and incantations.1949New Yorker 22 Oct. 38/2 (title) Runes for an old believer.1973G. M. Brown Magnus i. 23 Tana repeats a small bridal rhyme, a rune of fertility, the meaning of which is not at all clear but she has learned it from her grandmother.1977P. Fitzgerald Knox Brothers i. 32 Eddie had begun on Kennedy's Latin Grammar; there were more inexplicable runes for Wilfred to repeat in the nursery: ‘Caesar adsum jam forte—Cæsar had some jam for tea.’
3. attrib. and Comb.
a. Objective, as rune-bearer, rune-carver, rune-collector, rune-cutter, rune-rister (= cutter), rune-singer, rune-writer; rune-bearing adj.
1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. iv. 287 To this, subsequent Rune-writers have made additions.Ibid. 294 The Rune-carver by whom many of these Memorial Stones were executed.c1865E. Charlton in Archæologia æliana VI. 131 The ignorance of the Rune cutter has transposed one or two of the letters.1866G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. p. ix, Till these rune-bearers gradually disappeared before Roman-lettered pieces.Ibid. 199 Only one can have been the real meaning of the rune-rister.1872Archaeol. Cant. VIII. 223 The rune-bearing boss at Thorsbjerg.1883Vigfusson & Powell Corpus Poeticum Boreale I. 571 Bali, a Swedish Rune carver from Upland, appears to have lived about the end or middle of the eleventh century.1898I. M. Anderton tr. Comparetti's Trad. Poetry of Finns i. i. 5 The first rune collectors..only considered and published detached songs, and did not think of classifying them.1904Saga-Bk. of Viking Club III. iii. 320 The..uniformity can only be explained by supposing that there were professional rune-writers, travelling over the country and inscribing stones.1908Ibid. V. ii. 258 To the right of the stem is an inequality in the stone, which the rune-cutter (rune-rister) apparently wished to avoid.1927E. V. Gordon tr. runic inscription in Introd. Old Norse 170 Biari has the temple, a wise rune-carver.1962C. L. Wrenn in Davis & Wrenn Eng. & Medieval Stud. presented to J. R. R. Tolkien 316 If the ‘first fronting’ had in fact not yet been completed in the dialect of the rune-cutter.1963S. B. F. Jansson in Browne & Foote Early Eng. & Norse Stud. ix. 112 In all probability the rune-carver wished his rune-ribbon to start and end at the same level on the stone.1972Funk's Stand. Dict. Folklore 382/1 Lönnrot himself said, ‘Because I am sure that not one of the rune-singers could surpass me in the knowledge of the runes, I used my right to put together the songs as it seemed best.’
b. Attrib., in sense ‘inscribed with runes’, as rune-clog, rune font, rune-stick, rune-stone. Also rune-staff a.
1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. iv. 294 The Rune Stones of the Norse fatherland.1857Borrow Romany Rye iv, I have, what some people would dread much more, an Armenian rune-stick.1866G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. p. ix, Rune-clogs of all sorts of material and of every size.1883Vigfusson & Powell Corpus Poeticum Boreale II. 589 A Swedish Rune-stone has the roasting-scene of l. 4 carved upon it.1931Times Lit. Suppl. 9 July 548/1 The discovery of the Eggjum rune-stone in 1917.1962P. G. Foote tr. S. V. B. Jansson's Runes of Sweden 163 The finest of the rune fonts is the one..carved by the Gotlander Sigraf.1980K. Randsborg Viking Age in Denmark 32 The persons mentioned on the early rune-stones were connected with royal power.
c. Misc., as rune-craft, rune-folk, rune-inscription, rune-letter, rune-lore, rune-magic, rune-maiden, rune-master, rune-name, rune-poem, rune-smith, rune-song, rune-word, rune-worship; rune-blazoned, rune-inscribed, rune-less, rune-like adjs.; rune-ribbon, the carved scroll on a runic stone in which the runes are engraved; rune-row, a runic alphabet; rune-tree, (a) = tree-rune s.v. tree n. 10 c; (b) (see quot. 1899).
1938W. de la Mare Memory 76 A subtle Serpent..Raised its *rune-blazoned head.
1871G. Stephens in Archaeologia XLIII. 98 Modern Swedish *runecraft largely depends upon his many and valuable publications.
1866Runic Mon. I. p. xi, There is therefore neither time nor place for a certain *Runefolk to carry its letters from land to land.
1872Archaeol. Cant. VIII. 266 The *rune-inscribed horn was found in 1734.1898Saga-Bk. of Viking Club II. ii. 337 Asfrid..raised a..gravehaugh over the body of her husband, whereon she set up a rune-inscribed stone in his honour.1931C. L. Ewen Hist. Surnames iii. 65 The rune-inscribed crosses.
1925Saga-Book of Viking Soc. IX. ii. 272 The *rune-inscriptions..must be assigned to the first part of the 11th century.
1866G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. p. x, The *runeless bronze-wielding populations they found in Scandinavia.
1937J. R. R. Tolkien Hobbit iii. 64 ‘What are moon-letters?’.. ‘Moon-letters are *rune-letters.’
1877Rep. Brit. Assoc., Trans. 117 Some *Rune-like Characters on Chalk.1965C. L. Wrenn in Bessinger & Creed Medieval & Linguistic Stud. 50 The seven rune-like symbols just mentioned.
1868G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. 94 (heading) *Rune-lore.1959R. W. V. Elliott Runes iii. 30 Other pagan rites and customs that went hand in hand with rune-lore.
1877Skeat Will. Palerne Pref. p. xxix, This might be classed amongst the instances of *Rune-magic.
1906C. M. Doughty Dawn in Britain I. ii. 80 Her covert image..and holy cart Shall her *rune-maiden ministers, in the lake, Wash.
1965R. Derolez in Bessinger & Creed Medieval & Linguistic Stud. 33 A simple formula such as..‘unknown Danish *runemaster > Hrabanus Maurus’, is tempting but dangerous.Ibid. 34 One might..suppose that a ‘rune master’..would resort to runes if asked to write the names in full.1970Foote & Wilson Viking Achievement ix. 312 Once the act of carving stone had developed in southern Scandinavia, Swedish sculptors and rune⁓masters experimented to bring it to fruition.
1879I. Taylor Greeks & Goths xviii. 117 Let us compare these..Ogham names with the corresponding *rune names.1927E. V. Gordon Introd. Old Norse 161 The first letter of each rune-name gives the value of the rune.1974Eng. Stud. LV. 512 The inscriber of the Franks Casket normally represented the voiceless dorsal fricative by ‘g’, so that for him the rune-name would have been eg.
1861D. H. Haigh Anglo-Saxon Sagas 16 In the Anglo-Saxon *rune-poem, the following stanza occurs:- Ing wæs ærest, mid East-Denum, (etc.).1879Vigfusson & Powell Icelandic Prose Reader 457 The idea is..possibly taken from some such English poem as the Exeter Codex Rune Poem.1962C. L. Wrenn in Davis & Wrenn Eng. & Medieval Stud. presented to J. R. R. Tolkien 316 The Old English, Old Norse, and Icelandic rune-poems.
1963S. B. F. Jansson in Browne & Foote Early Eng. & Norse Stud. ix. 111 All that was visible..was a short section of the *rune ribbon, with some carved lines above it.
1868G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. 105 All the oldest written *Runerows are Futhorcs.1955J. R. R. Tolkien Return of King 397 It was often called Angerthas Moria or the Long Rune-rows of Moria.1973R. I. Page Introd. Eng. Runes xii. 190 The common English rune-row had twenty-eight [characters] or more to the Germanic twenty-four.
1866G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. p. vi, The later or Scandinavian Runic Monuments, which..are now being gradually collected and publisht by competent *runesmiths.
1868G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. 105 As for there being any ‘German’ people whatsoever..who..practist heathen rites and used *Rune-songs and Rune-books and Rune-carvings in incantations and divinations—why the thing is ridiculous.1892S. A. Brooke Hist. Early Eng. Lit. I. 192 These phrases are from the Rune Song.1927E. V. Gordon Introd. Old Norse 161 The usual forms of this fuþark..are given in the Rune-Song.
1863J. M. Mitchell tr. runic inscription in Mesehowe 51 Cut to our late Father these *Rune Trees, (He was a) leader on the West Sea.1879I. Taylor Greeks & Goths xviii. 129 The characteristic of the five classes of the rune trees would be (1) branches; (2) forks; (3) loops; (4) crooks; (5) roots.1899A. H. Keane Man, Past & Present ix. 341 A great feature of the system were the ‘rune-trees’, made of pine or birch bark, inscribed with figures of gods, men, or animals, which were consulted on all important occasions.
1883G. Stephens Bugge's Stud. North. Mythol. 67 The principal *runewords on this Bewcastle Cross are plain enough.
1940F. Scott Fitzgerald Let. Dec. (1964) 100 But be sweet to your mother at Xmas despite her early Chaldean *rune-worship which she will undoubtedly inflict on you.
Hence runed |ruːnd| a., inscribed with runes.
1886N. & Q. 7th Ser. II. 50 A leaden bulla of Archdeacon Boniface and a runed ivory comb.
III. rune, v. rare.|ruːn|
[f. rune2.]
intr. To compose or perform poetry or songs; to lament.
1936M. Franklin All that Swagger i. 7 He was wont to rune to himself as he sat alone, thrust aside by his sons as childish.1964Auden in Listener 1 Oct. 575/2 Our handful Of clients at least can rune.
IV. rune
obs. form of roun.

