
单词 householdry
释义 householdry|ˈhaʊshəʊldrɪ|
[f. household: see -ery, -ry.]
1. The management of a household; housekeeping; domestic economy or occupations.
1581Mulcaster Positions v. (1887) 35 Writing and reading do minister much helpe to trafficque, to householdrie, to learning, and all publicke dealinges.1832Blackw. Mag. XXXII. 645, I told her to mind her householdry.1865E. Burritt Walk Land's End 426 Pre-historic prototypes or models of human householdry.
2. concr. Household-stuff. Obs.
1573Tusser Husb. viii. (1878) 16 So houshold and housholdrie I doe define, for folke and the goodes that in house be of thine.Ibid. ix. 17 To furnish house with housholdry.

