“up there”的英英意思

单词 up there
释义 up there, advb. phr.
[up adv.2]
1. Above the earth; in heaven; spec. with reference to God. Cf. above adv. 1 b.
1938M. Muggeridge In Valley of this Restless Mind xvi. 145 Don't imagine..that the old gentleman up there is going to interfere... He doesn't exist.1969P. Theroux Murder in Mount Holly iii. 44 You had to..really believe in that Big Man Up There.1977J. McVean Bloodspoor xx. 260 Sometimes I almost get to feel someone up there must be pitching for us.
2. Up on a level with (something else highly rated). colloq.
1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 25 Sept. 6/1 The Post Office, which among things to have, rates right up there with athlete's foot.1977Gay News 7–20 Apr. 32/1 It is necessary to her kind of survival not to make an impression, either as an award-laden superstar (up there with Streisand..and Fonda) or even as an actress.

