
单词 scanner
释义 scanner|ˈskænə(r)|
[f. scan v. + -er1.]
1. One who scans or examines critically.
1557R. Recorde Whetstone b iiij, [Lines.] To the curiouse scanner.1575Recorde's Gr. Arts CC vij, Suche scanners [sc. cunning Lawyers] shoulde seeme to cunning, and yet not so cunning as cruell.1604Babington Comf. Notes Levit. xiii. 110 Beware euer to be a curious scanner of other mens liues, or a rash iudge.1834F. Mahony Reliq. Father Prout iv. (1836) 170 The keen and scrutinizing philosopher, the scanner of whate'er lies hidden in the folds of the human heart.1967Times Rev. Industry July 89/2 A really sensitive scanner can pick up a bit of information which to most people would be..irrelevant but which to him assumes significance.
2. One who scans verse.
1800W. Taylor in Monthly Mag. X. 317 The scanner has to consider neither the articulation of the vowels, nor the position of the consonants.1906H. Van Dyke Ideals & Applic. xi. 237 We are spending infinite toil and money to produce spellers and parsers and scanners.
3. a. Any device for scanning or systematically examining all parts of something.
1927Public Opinion 18 Feb. 152/3 Place the ‘telegraph card’ on an endless band passing at a fixed rate under the ‘scanner’, while at the other end a reproduction soon tumbles into a basket.1952Progress Spring 34 The Time-Springdale electronic scanner was used to make, from an Ektachrome transparency, the negatives needed for the colour reproduction.1958Times Rev. Industry July 25/3 A beam-scanner with an output window of pure aluminium foil is fitted to the accelerator.1970New Scientist 27 Aug. 420/3 Trials with an airborne infrared scanner over the leaking oil well..demonstrated that oil shows up clearly on the scanner.1977Time 27 June 25/3 Using elaborate ‘scanners’ to monitor police radio channels, reporters were often at the spot of a reported sighting before the guards and dogs.
b. Television. Any of several devices that permit the sequential transmission of an image or its subsequent reconstruction in a receiver.
1929Sheldon & Grisewood Television xiv. 162 Another decided advantage of the drum-scanner is its compactness.1958Observer 12 Oct. 1/3 There is..a television-type scanner which can transmit pictures of the perpetually unseen far side of the moon.1975D. G. Fink Electronics Engineers' Handbk. xx. 31 Flying-spot scanners are used in broadcast stations in Europe for both color and monochrome film reproduction.
c. A transmitting and receiving radar aerial, usu. one that rotates or oscillates in order to scan a large area.
1946Electronic Engin. XVIII. 360/2 The speed of rotation of the scanner when manually controlled can be varied from 0 to 4 r.p.m. in either direction.1965New Scientist 15 July 130/1 The radar scanner continuously sweeps the sky, sending out its impulses and receiving back the reflected impulses.1970H. A. Taylor Airspeed Aircraft since 1931 172 The raised fuselage also permitted the aircraft to be loaded with the retractable air-to-surface-vessel (asv) scanner, below and aft of the control cabin.
d. Med. A machine for scanning the body and measuring the intensity of the radiation from different areas as a diagnostic aid, e.g. after administration of a radio-isotope; spec. = body scanner s.v. body n. 30. Also, a machine for directing ultrasound into the body and obtaining a visual representation of the reflections from different internal areas, analogous to a radar display or radiograph.
1951Nucleonics Aug. 50/2 The first tests of the scanner were made with filter paper wetted with a solution containing radioiodine.1953Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. LXX. 605/2 The scanner produces a picture of the distribution of the gamma-emitting activity present in a small area.1960McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. XIV. 8/2 Scanners have been devised which can accurately fix the size of the thyroid gland and determine the presence of nodules or abnormalities in the shape of the gland.1975, etc. [see CAT n.5].1977Listener (N.Z.) 15 Jan. 10/1 Scanners are an important innovation because of their superior diagnostic capabilities over alternative techniques, and the enhanced degree of patient safety and comfort they offer.1986Daily Tel. 28 July 11/1 Modern scanners are accurate to 1/25 inch.1987Oxf. Textbk. Med. (ed. 2) I. xii. 5/2 Ultrasound. High definition sector scanners provide an excellent real-time image of the gall-bladder.
e. fig.
1959Listener 8 Jan. 83/2 The selectivity of your mind—your mental scanner—will quickly reveal what there is to be thought about.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 403 Work by an Oxford psychologist..suggested that the mechanism..involved the use of a ‘scanner’ in the brain which sifted through a large number of possible names.
4. Special Comb.: scanner fo(u)nt, a typewriting fount that can be read by an optical character-recognition device.
1968Amer. Documentation Jan. 74/2 A secretary types each record for scanner input, using a standard typewriter fitted with an ASA scanner font golfball.Ibid., The optical character reader..reads standard ASA scanner font: 26 alphabetic characters (all upper case), 10 digits, and 25 punctuation and special characters.1969Computers & Humanities III. 132 Each item to be entered into the file is coded; typed in asa scanner font; read by an optical scanner..onto magnetic tape; and, finally, entered into an infol file.

