
单词 feltrike
释义 feltrike Obs.—0
[Of obscure formation; prob. a corruption of the L. name fel terræ ‘gall of the earth’, given to the plant on account of its bitterness and perhaps also its yellow colour.]
= earth-gall; prob. the Yellow Centaury (Chlora perfoliata).
The name earth-gall appears to have been sometimes applied also to the Lesser Centaury (Erythræa Centaureum), and perhaps to other gentianaceous plants.
[c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 126 Wiþ asleᵹenum lice, brom; feltere; ᵹearwe; hofe.]c1440Promp. Parv. 154/2 Feltryke, herbe, fistra, fel terre, centaurea.1530Palsgr. 219/2 Feltryke an herbe.

