
单词 stroma
释义 stroma|ˈstrəʊmə|
Pl. stromata |ˈstrəʊmətə|.
[mod.L. use of L. strōma bed-covering, a. Gr. στρῶµα ‘anything spread or laid out for lying or sitting upon’ (L. & Sc.), f. στρω- root of στρωννύναι to strew, spread, cogn. w. L. strā- (sternĕre): see stratum.]
1. a. Anat. The fibrous connective sustentacular tissue or substance of a part or organ. Also the framework containing the alveoli of cancer-cells.
1835–6R. Owen in Todd's Cycl. Anat. I. 356/2 The ova are imbedded in a stroma of delicate and yielding cellular substance.1846W. H. Walshe Cancer 19 The stroma is closely set; the loculi are consequently small.1873T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. 159 The stroma varies considerably in amount, being much more abundant in some varieties of cancer than in others. It consists of a more or less distinctly fibrillated tissue, arranged so as to form alveoli of various forms and sizes, within which the cells are grouped.1878T. Bryant Pract. Surg. I. 99 A tumour developed in the stroma of a fibrous structure will probably be fibrous.
b. The spongy colourless framework of a red blood corpuscle or other cell.
1872Thudichum Chem. Physiol. 29 We further have in blood corpuscles a certain quantity of what is called stroma.1873C. H. Ralfe Phys. Chem. 156 The stroma is the colourless portion of the living blood corpuscle.
2. a. Bot. A structure containing the substance in which perithecia or other organs of fructification are immersed.
1832Lindley Introd. Bot. 209 Stroma is a fleshy body to which flocci are attached.1836M. J. Berkeley Sir J. E. Smith's Engl. Flora V. ii. 236 Sphæria concentrica..easily known by its beautifully zoned stroma.1857Henfrey Bot. 171 A more or less distinct stroma or common receptacle.1882Vines tr. Sachs' Bot. 317 The stromata arise beneath the skin.
b. In vegetable physiology, the solid matter remaining after all the fluid has been expressed from protoplasm.
1885G. L. Goodale Physiol. Bot. vi. 198 To the solid matter [of the protoplasm], the name stroma is applicable.Ibid. x. 290 This spongy stroma, or ‘trabecular mass’.
c. Bot. The colourless fluid surrounding the grana inside a chloroplast.
1914M. Drummond tr. Haberlandt's Physiol. Plant Anat. i. 37 In some cases the characteristic pigment [of chromoplasts] is suspended in a colourless protoplasmic matrix (or stroma)..in the shape of minute globules or vesicles (grana).1979Kramer & Scott Cell Concept iv. 80 The chemical changes in photosynthesis go on in the chlorophyll in the granules on the lamellae and are completed in the stroma.
3. attrib. and Comb.
1887W. Phillips Brit. Discomycetes 349 A stroma-like tubercle.1898Syd. Soc. Lex., Stroma fibrin, Landois' term for fibrin formed directly from stroma instead of plasma.Ibid., Stroma plexus, a plexus of axis-cylinders formed by the corneal nerves.1905Brit. Med. Jrnl. 1 July 19 The interstitial cells [of the ovary] are to be distinguished from the stroma cells.

