
单词 decretory
释义 decretory, a. Now rare or Obs.|dɪˈkriːtərɪ|
[ad. L. dēcrētōri-us, f. dēcrēt- ppl. stem of L. dēcērnĕre to determine, decree: see -ory.]
1. Of the nature of, involving, or relating to, a decree, authoritative decision, or final judgement.
a1631Donne in Select. (1840) 83 We banish..all imaginary fatality, and all decretory impossibility of concurrence and co-operation to our own salvation.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. vii. 37 Those decretory and finall words of S. Paul: He that defiles a Temple, him will God destroy.1673Baxter Let. in Answ. Dodwell 82 You appropriate the Decretory Power to your Monarch; and communicate only the executive.1737J. Clarke Hist. Bible (1740) II. v. 128 Jesus, knowing they had passed a decretory sentence against Him.1807Robinson Archæol. Græca i. xvi. 77 The decretory sentence was passed.
b. Of persons: Characterized by pronouncing a definite decision or judgement; positive, decided.
1651Jer. Taylor Serm. for Year i. xi. 136 They that with..a loose tongue are too decretory, and enunciative of speedy judgement.1655Unum Necess. vii. §1, I will not be decretory in it, because the Scripture hath said nothing of it.1680H. Dodwell Two Lett. Advice (1691) 105 If I may seem decretory in resolving positively some things controverted among learned men.
2. Such as to decide the question; decisive, determinative. Obs.
1674Evelyn Navig. & Comm. Misc. Writ. (1805) 644 That decretory battle at Actium.1692M. Morgan Poem on Victory over Fr. Fleet 7 In which was struck this decretory Blow.1718F. Hutchinson Witchcraft (1720) 172 They tried..their Claims to Land, by Combat, or the Decretory Morsel.1737Whiston Josephus Diss. 105 There is one particular Observation..that seems to me to be decretory.
3. Old Med. and Astrol. Pertaining to or decisive of the final issue of a disease, etc.; also fig. of a course of life; = critical 4. Obs. or arch.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. (1586) 78 b, The third of Maie (which is the late decretorie daie of the Vine).1601Holland Pliny I. 500 The foure decretorie or criticall daies, that giue the doome of Oliue trees, either to good or bad.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iv. xii. 213 The medicall month; introduced by Galen..for the better compute of Decretory or Criticall dayes.1702C. Mather Magn. Chr. iii. iv. vii. (1852) 610 When the decretory hour of death overtakes you.1890E. Johnson Rise Christendom 104, I look intrepidly forward to yonder decretory hour [of death].

