
单词 snuggery
释义 snuggery|ˈsnʌgərɪ|
Also 9 -erie.
[f. snug a.1 + -ery.]
1. a. A cosy or comfortable room, esp. one of small size, into which a person retires for seclusion or quiet; a bachelor's den.
1812M. Edgeworth Tales of Fashionable Life V. 268 Let me establish you comfortably in this, which I call my sanctuary—my snuggery.1815Zeluca I. 171 You must come and dine, and..play whist in a snuggerie with Lady Whitelock.1825Lockhart in Smiles Mem. J. Murray (1891) II. xxvii. 229 Habits which render it difficult for me to do any serious work out of my own snuggery.1853R. S. Surtees Sponge's Sp. Tour xlii. 230 Each particular apartment..down to the smallest bachelor snuggery, was replete with elegance and comfort.1892Baring-Gould Trag. Caesars I. 192 On the top of the house was a snuggery, into which he retired when he wanted to be entirely alone.
attrib.1857Hughes Tom Brown ii. viii, Tom..soon managed to place on the snuggery table better materials for a meal.1898W. White Jrnls. 72 An attempt to make a Cambridge snuggery affair of it.
b. spec. The bar-parlour of an inn or public-house; = snug n.2 2.
1829P. Egan Boxiana 2nd Ser. II. 206 Shelton, on Friday evening after the fight, made his bow to the Daffy Club, at the Castle Tavern, Holborn: and, in the snuggery, Tom received the {pstlg}100 stakes, as the reward of his victory.1837Dickens Pickw. x, There's these here painted tops in the snuggery inside the bar.1847Alb. Smith Adv. Chr. Tadpole xxix. (1879) 259 The bar did not differ from others of its class,..but the snuggery behind was remarkable.
2. a. A snug, comfortable, or cosy house or dwelling.
1833T. Hook Parson's Dau. i. i, It [the cottage] was one of the prettiest things imaginable: its interior was a perfect snuggery.1847W. Irving Life & Lett. (1866) III. 402 Converting what was once rather a make-shift little mansion into one of the most complete snuggeries in the country.1893Lady Burton Life Burton I. 440 The Diplomats have snuggeries here [i.e. Petropolis], and form a pleasant society.
b. A snug place, position, feature, etc.
1850Lit. Gazette 16 Nov. 849/2 The zeal of your modern squire, ensconced in his curtained snuggery of a pew.1863Hawthorne Our Old Home (1883) I. 254 A friend had given us his suburban residence, with all its conveniences, elegancies, and snuggeries.1867E. Yates Forlorn Hope viii, Lady Muriel rose from the soft snuggery of her cushioned chair.1953Dylan Thomas Under Milk Wood (1954) 2 It is night neddying among the snuggeries of babies.
3. A snug company or party. rare.
1831Lincoln Herald 1 July 4/5 Let not this snuggery of literary dunderheads imagine that they are all ambushed.1958[see do-good].
4. An easy comfortable position or post; a sinecure. rare.
1839Blackw. Mag. XLV. 767 Another puts his bastard son into a splendid snuggery for life.1855Trollope Warden iii, Here was a nice man to be initiated into the comfortable arcana of ecclesiastical snuggeries.

