
单词 smoothly
释义 smoothly, adv.|ˈsmuːðlɪ|
Forms: 4 smoþely, 5–6 smothely, 6 smothly, 6– smoothly, 7 smouthly.
[f. smooth a.]
1. In a smooth manner; with smooth, easy, or gentle movement or motion; gently.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 407 Þou me smoþely has smyten.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 732, I schal..let him smolt al unsmyten smoþely atonez.a1529Skelton Col. Cloute 1254 The forecastell of my shyp Shall glyde, and smothely slyp Out of the wawes wod.1594Kyd Cornelia iv. ii, Thine easie streames That glide as smothly as a Parthian shaft.1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 2 To make a Launcet himself which will enter smoothly.1665Boyle Occas. Refl. vi. i. (1848) 340 A belief that the toothsome would make the nutritive part go smoothly down.1722De Foe Col. Jack (1840) 47, I brushed smoothly, but closely by the man.1784Cowper Task ii. 262 That winds and waters..May bear us smoothly to the Gallic shore.1805Wordsw. Waggoner iv. 62 Where, smoothly urged, the vapours sweep Along.1886Manch. Exam. 8 Jan. 6/1 The sleighs skim along very smoothly and lightly.
transf.1597Drayton Heroical Ep., Q. Kath. to O. Tudor 137 The British language..runnes as smoothly from those lypps of thine, As the pure Thuskan from the Florantine.1599Shakes. Much Ado v. ii. 33 Carpet-mongers, whose name yet runne smoothly in the euen rode of a blanke verse.
Comb.1805Wordsw. Waggoner ii. 108 A gallant, stately Man-of-war, Fixed on a smoothly-sliding car.1888Lees & Clutterbuck B.C. 1887 xxx, The broad surface of the now smoothly-flowing Kootenay.
2. So as to present or leave a smooth, even, or level surface; evenly, regularly.
1489Caxton Faytes of A. i. xxiii. 71 A longe trayne of men of armes al clos togyder and renged full smothely.1641G. Sandys Paraphr. Song Sol. iv. i, Thy Teeth like Sheep in their return From Chison, washt, and smoothly shorn.1713Guardian No. 168, Beneath the Shade of flowing Jet The Iv'ry Forehead smoothly set.1813J. Thomson Lect. Inflam. 449 A bandage..should be applied, as smoothly as can be possibly performed.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 121 The rocks they contain, generally smoothly worn, but not fully rounded, are [etc.].
Comb.c1730Savage Wks. (1775) II. 198 Her soft attendants smooth the spotless skin, And, smoothly oval, turn the shapely chin.1873Tristram Moab v. 71 The wall with its smoothly-sloped facing.
b. With clothes of smooth or fine texture.
1579Gosson Sch. Abuse (Arb.) 39 They were smoothly appareled, soft lodged, daintely feasted.
3. In a bland, mild, or plausible manner; blandly, suavely.
1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 504 Some lokyd full smothely, and had a fals quarter.1592Arden of Feversham iii. v, Thou hast..spoke as smoothly as an orator.1649Milton Eikon. 8 Heer he smoothly seeks to wipe off all the envy of his evill Government upon his Substitutes.1653H. More Conject. Cabbal. 226 The Serpent..looking so smoothly and innocently on't,..and so deceiving them.1825Scott Talism. vi, Despardieux! This is smoothly said to soothe a sick man.1845James Arrah Neil iv, Did he speak smoothly and civilly?
4. Without impediment, obstruction, or complication; without any trouble or difficulty arising. (Common in 19th cent.)
1668Chas. II in Cartwright Madame (1894) 260 Things should go on smouthly.1777Watson Philip II (1839) 59 It could not reasonably be expected that the government would proceed smoothly.1791Boswell Johnson an. 1766 (Oxf. ed.) I. 336 Goldsmith..mentions Luke as a person well known, and superficial readers have passed it over quite smoothly.1856Merivale Rom. Emp. xlii. V. 135 The ceremony passed smoothly without demur or scruple.1881M. E. Herbert Edith 6 For the first few months all went on smoothly.

